monadexio / meanadex

Mootee is an amazing tshirt service
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Mootee Manifesto

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Paul Graham made a good point that programming is very much like painting. You start from scratch with some vague sense of orientation, and whatever you end up with after a few iterations might not resemble even remotely what was in your mind in the first place.

Great artists steal. We can try to reverse engineer, at the time of writing, the site look like this:

teespring screenshot

A Brief Tour of teeeeeee-spring flow

Generate test data

After starting a fresh system with

  npm start

you can generate some test data using

  grunt populateTestData

This will generate an admin user with username set to admin and password set to password. It will generate a sample tshirt as well.

Bulk upload artworks

If we want to upload a set of artworks and give them certain tags, we can run a grunt task called uploadImages. It takes two parameters: path and tags. For example:

  grunt uploadImages --path='../mootee_pics/dog/*' --tags='dog animal'


All roads lead to Rome, the question is which one is the shortest. We wanna use the coolest and most fun technology that does the job the quickest. Sometimes, taking a free ride is not a bad idea either.

There are a great deal of stuff that we can borrow from the Spree project, from business to architectural design to API design. See their documentation

Fabric provides higher level APIs for HTML5 canvas. There is a nice series of tutorial from the original author: Introduction to Fabric.js