mondaynightpinball / main

Main website for MNP
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 8 forks source link

Monday Night Pinball


As of January 23rd, 2018, the MNP main codebase is now open source, under Gnu Public License (GPL). Visit the live site at:


Clone and Install the dependencies:

git clone
npm i

Setup necessary data paths (TODO: Make a setup script)

# Run from project home
mkdir data
mkdir data/ifpa
mkdir data/matches
mkdir data/players
mkdir data/sessions
mkdir data/stats

# As a backup and log of events, we save all non-auth posts to a directory.
mkdir data/posts

# All image data is currently just saved on the server.
# TODO: Save image data to a scalable storage service like AWS/S3
mkdir uploads

# You need season-# directories for any season you want to load.
# See model/seasons.js
mkdir data/season-8

Config files

The code needs a few files setup to get things going.

Data Archive

Many of the config files that were used for seasons 6, 7, and 8 are available, as well as all the match data, schedule, and rosters.

Visit the data archive

TODO: It would be awesome to have the code just point to a DATA_HOME .env var. Then people could clone the data archive and point the server code at it (until a better solution becomes available).


data/venues.json has the form:

  "ABC": {
    "name": "ABC Venue",
    "machines": [ array_of_machine_keys ],
    "key": "ABC",
    "address": "[Optional] 123 Fake St, Springfield, WA",
    "neighborhood", "[Optional] Neighborhood"


data/machines.json defines all the machines that are available to be used in a match. People can still enter machines that are not on this list (much to our dismay), but this is the source for machine keys and names.

  "MachineKey": {
    "key": "MachineKey",
    "name": "Machine Name"

TODO: Probably don't need to include the key in the machine object, and we could probably also just store a map of key -> name.


data/ifpa_num.csv is in the form of:


Where the ifpa_num is the player's official IFPA number. See IFPA Player Search

Season files

In each of the data/season-{n} directories, you need the following files:

matches.csv defines the schedule and should have the following columns:


A special note that playoff weeks are denoted as week_num = 90 + playoff_week, so the first week of playoffs is week 91.

teams.csv defines teams and has columns:


playerdb.csv is the master roster file and has columns:


player_lookup has most recently been player_name.trim().toLowerCase().

TODO: It would be much better to have unique keys for every player.

Gmail settings

Currently, there may be an issue that if you don't have a gmail OAuth token, you might run into issues when you start the server.

TODO: Add more details/resources on how to setup the gmail token.

SSL settings

If you want to run a secure server, you will need to setup a certificate file. .credentials/https.opts.mnp.json TODO: Add more details/resources on how to setup the certificate.

League Operation

Importing a season

Once you have all the season files above setup, you need to run the script that parses all the CSV files and generates a season.json (currently written to standard out, so I send that to a file on the command line).

node importers/import-season > data/season-{n}/season.json

Generating a week of matches

The system doesn't filter which matches are visible, so it is usually advised to generate matches a few hours before they start.

This is one of the areas of the site that could be very much improved once we move to a proper database. That project exists and has a fair amount of test coverage. The goal is to integrate that backend code with this full stack project to replace the models.

Proposed New MNP Backend

Generating stats

Eventually stats would likely be real time, but for now we run a script to generate player stats.

node run util/compute-stats

Starting the server

To get things running, you can run one of the following commands:

# Start just HTTP (you will need to have sudo/root access)
node http.js

# Start just in HTTPS (you will need to have sudo/root
# as well as the necessary certificate config)
node https.js

# Start the service on both 80 and 443, with a redirect to 443
# This is what the website uses (after some service wrapping).
node app.js

If you are interested in how to wrap up the app to run as a service, we use forever and forever-service, both npm modules and not too hard to setup. However, we don't feel like this is the best long term solution. There are more solutions, and layers like nginx that can help clean up our solution.


We very much want developers to be able to help make the MNP site more reliable, secure, beautiful, and responsive. Feel free to submit PRs, and check out our issues.