Workstation configuration for mondyjosh, powered by Ansible!
This Anisible playbook aids in the rapid setup of local systems I plan on working on.
Run ./scripts/install-ansible
to ensure that the basic packages (curl git ansible
) are installed prior to running the playbook.
Run workstation-setup
to execute the playbook.
Run ./scripts/build-dockers
to build Docker images for developing/testing Ansible playbooks. This helps keep the overall setup/teardown quick so focus can be kept on the Ansible playbooks themselves (and to keep the host system from mutating!).
After building the Docker images, use docker run --rm -it <tag_name> bash
to init a new ephemeral session with the image (New changes - package installs, config changes, etc. - will be reset upon exiting the Docker session, so have fun!)
Configuration is provided via my dotfiles repository. Chezmoi is the dotfile manager of choice, and is installed as part of this playbook's pre-tasks.