A Directory For A Monero Circular Economy
Submit your link to Monerica here!
You can donate to help with hosting and admin costs by sending Monero to: 8BzHMDw2UaXNpCZM9wxABXW3qAKMxM2WxDGuDWSf5x5v7t1PdWdMfdLCzdtK8Eb9C5ZHcEHNR85bcbWhuK8SLCH46Pvy71q
Monerica is a directory of websites and services that accept Monero as payment or relate to Monero in some way. It is a community project that is open to contributions from anyone. The goal is to create a directory of websites and services facilitating a circular economy for Monero.
Email: admin@monerica.com
The best way to contribute to Monerica is to help manage the data in the directory. This can be done by submitting new links or editing existing links.
If you would like to contribute to the codebase, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.
The Monerica website is built using C# and ASP.NET Core MVC. It is possible to run the website on Windows, Linux, or Mac but it is recommended to use Windows for development with Visual Studio. The database is a SQL Server database and the code is written using Entity Framework Core.
The application settings are stored in the appsettings.json file. You can use the appsettings.Development.json file to override settings for development. Copy the appsettings.template.json file in the project you want to run and rename it to appsettings.json. From there you put in your own values for the settings.
At this time you will need to use a SQL Server database.
The database is managed using Entity Framework Core.
To create a new migration, run the following command from the Monerica.Web directory:
dotnet ef migrations add MigrationName --context ApplicationDbContext --project DirectoryManager.Data\DirectoryManager.Data.csproj
Then run:
dotnet ef database update --context ApplicationDbContext --project DirectoryManager.Data\DirectoryManager.Data.csproj
The application is split into 3 projects:
DirectoryManager is capable of the following:
You can deploy an instance of the application, which will upgrade the database, using the CI.bat file. Run this in a PowerShell .ps1 file and set your settings:
$MsDeployLocation = "https://YOURDOMAIN.com:8172"
$webAppHost = "YOURDOMAIN.com"
$contentPathDes = "C:\sites\YOURDOMAIN.com\"
$msDeployUserName = 'YOURUSERNAME';
$msDeployPassword = 'YOURPASSWORD';
.\ci.bat DeployWebApp -properties "@{'MsDeployLocation'='$MsDeployLocation';'webAppHost'='$webAppHost';'contentPathDes'='$contentPathDes';'msDeployUserName'='$msDeployUserName';'msDeployPassword'='$msDeployPassword';'dbConnectionString'='$dbConnectionString';}"
write-host "done"