moneroexamples / onion-monero-blockchain-explorer

Onion Monero Blockchain Explorer
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
361 stars 269 forks source link

Docker image stuck at start #271

Closed vdo closed 2 years ago

vdo commented 2 years ago

I'm using the Dockerfile provided to run a container sharing the volume with monerod, and it seems to detect the blockchain just fine, but it stays stuck with just this output:

vagrant@bullseye:~$ sudo docker logs explorer
2022-06-01 11:41:17.494 W The blockchain is on a rotating drive: this will be very slow, use an SSD if possible

Which is also very weird because the container is not running on a rotating drive, but on a NVMe:

vagrant@bullseye:~$ sudo docker exec -t explorer lsblk
sda      8:0    0  20G  0 disk
`-sda1   8:1    0  20G  0 part /home/monero/.bitmonero
vagrant@bullseye:~$ sudo docker exec -t explorer ls /sys/dev/block/8:1/
alignment_offset  discard_alignment  inflight   power  size   stat   trace
dev       holders        partition  ro     start  subsystem  uevent
vagrant@bullseye:~$ sudo docker logs monerod --tail 3
2022-06-01 11:42:52.877 I Synced 40948/2636176 (1%, 2595228 left)
2022-06-01 11:42:53.078 I Synced 41048/2636176 (1%, 2595128 left)
2022-06-01 11:42:53.324 I Synced 41148/2636176 (1%, 2595028 left)
vagrant@bullseye:~$ sudo docker logs explorer
2022-06-01 11:41:17.494 W The blockchain is on a rotating drive: this will be very slow, use an SSD if possible

I tried on different hardware, on my laptop, vagrant boxes, VPS servers and with different parameters with the same result. I also tried to avoid --enable-autorefresh-option --enable-emission-monitor --enable-pusher options

moneroexamples commented 2 years ago

You mean this warning? "The blockchain is on a rotating drive: this will be very slow, use an SSD if possible"?

Does it normally work without docker?

moneroexamples commented 2 years ago

No follow up from OP.

moneroexamples commented 2 years ago

No follow up from OP.