moneroexamples / onion-monero-blockchain-explorer

Onion Monero Blockchain Explorer
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
361 stars 269 forks source link

Request: `` JSON API #290

Closed BrianHenryIE closed 3 months ago

BrianHenryIE commented 1 year ago


I've been working on a PHP SDK to accompany this project. To date, I've been testing with real moneroj! I'd assumed I'd be able to use instead, but it 404s. I think it might be a simple configuration option for you to change. But maybe it's intentionally disabled?

Please enable it if possible.

moneroexamples commented 1 year ago

Hi. I'm not admin xmrchain. @Gingeropolous maybe will be able to help?

Gingeropolous commented 10 months ago

hrm, I have the enable api line active in the conf.

--enable-json-api 1 \

i don't know what else needs fiddling....

moneroexamples commented 3 months ago

Closing b/c no further updates from OP.