moneroexamples / onion-monero-blockchain-explorer

Onion Monero Blockchain Explorer
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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[Feature Request] Forward lookup for stealth addresses to show how many times an output was spent #299

Open DaWe35 opened 6 months ago

DaWe35 commented 6 months ago

I think it should be essential to be able to search for stealth addresses, so Monero users can monitor their privacy more effectively, not only analyst teams. I find it unbelievable not a single explorer implemented this, so here I am.


When you send a transaction, your Monero client randomly selects (by default 15) other outputs as ring members, so for an outsider it is only certain that one of the 16 inputs is real, but they don't know which one. On the other hand, after your transaction is finalized, other users will include your outputs in their transactions as decoys, so by the time you spend your outputs, it is already included in other transactions, and outsiders have no way of knowing who is the real spender.

Feature request

After receiving Monero in your wallet, it would be helpful to be able to track how many times your output was included in other transactions as decoys, so you know the real anonymity set of your outputs. It would be nice to display it in the explorer: image This tiny URL would take you to the stealth address page, where after a clear description about the page, the user would be able to see all the transactions where the output was included in a ring. The search form could also take you to this page, instead of the current 404 page (which now says Nothing in the blockchain has been found that matches the search term :-( which is weird because it is not true, the stealth address is on the blockchain possibly many times)

Open to your feedback

I believe this feature is important for everyone, since without it, there is no way to verify if my outputs are included in other transactions as decoys. If a stealth address will be censored from eg. light wallet providers (making my output less likely to be included in other transactions) at least there should be a way to see that my privacy is compromised.

moneroexamples commented 6 months ago

Do you perhaps have a PR implementing this feature?

DaWe35 commented 6 months ago

Hi, I don't really understand how to read the lmdb, so first I wanted to ask if you think it is possible. If you think so, I'm happy to learn and try.