moneroexamples / onion-monero-blockchain-explorer

Onion Monero Blockchain Explorer
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
361 stars 269 forks source link

[Bug] broken pruned tx hash #305

Closed DaWe35 closed 1 month ago

DaWe35 commented 6 months ago

The explorer shows seemingly random tx_hashes when --prune-blockchain is on more info (note that it only happens with v2 txes above block height 1220517)

My guess it that something around get_pruned_transaction_hash() may be broken.

DaWe35 commented 6 months ago

I'm having a hard time understanding what's happening, but as far as I got, it looks like the tx = m_blockchain_storage.get_db().get_pruned_tx(tx_hash); in MicroCore.cpp returns an invalid tx.hash. Maybe this line has something to do with it: