moneroexamples / onion-monero-blockchain-explorer

Onion Monero Blockchain Explorer
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
361 stars 269 forks source link

Add dependency for docker compose services #310

Closed DaWe35 closed 6 months ago

DaWe35 commented 6 months ago

I know the opposite should be logical, but for some reason, this is only how it works reliably for me.


When I do the opposite (I set explore dependent on monerod, so docker starts monerod first), then for some reason, expore is unable to start. The logs are empty and the webpage is down. For some reason, the explore service can't even be restarted with docker compose down explore, then docker compose up -d explore, because it hangs just like before.

On the other hand, when I start monerod well after explore, then monerod sometimes hangs on Loading blockchain from folder /home/monero/.bitmonero/lmdb ... No matter how long I wait, it's stuck and I need to force stop the service.

The only solution for me was to start monerod slightly after explore is up.


It would be better to clean up the race condition, but after spending a day on the pruned_hash problem without a solution, I don't think I can fix it, race conditions are usually complicated. Another great solution would be to only start the explorer when monerod is synced, so expore won't waste CPU during initial sync. Not sure how to do that, since it'd likely produce the first bug (explore hang)

DaWe35 commented 6 months ago

Link related:

victoru commented 6 months ago

I can confirm that this a problem I've run into as well and the solution is correct. The explore container does not start up properly unless it is started before monerod

This seems to be the same issue: #271

moneroexamples commented 6 months ago

Thank you