moneroexamples / onion-monero-blockchain-explorer

Onion Monero Blockchain Explorer
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
361 stars 269 forks source link

the emission counter seems to have restarted or something #313

Closed Gingeropolous closed 3 weeks ago

Gingeropolous commented 3 months ago

on, its reporting

Monero emission (fees) is 1357.219 (102987.068) as of 3168179 block

SChernykh commented 3 months ago

Monero emission just passed 2^64 piconeros, starting from block 3165917. The code in CurrentBlockchainStatus needs to use 128-bit integers now.

moneroexamples commented 2 months ago

Ok. Thanks. I will check.

moneroexamples commented 2 months ago

Haven't managed to fix that yet, as there are issues with monero compilation on newest gcc on Arch:

donttracemebruh commented 2 months ago

Any update on this issue?

moneroexamples commented 1 month ago

Give me few days to check. RL was quite hectic in recent days. But is seems the PR that fixes this in monero is still not merged:

donttracemebruh commented 1 month ago

Cool, thanks for the update.

It seems as though a few notable services including, coinmarketcap and coingecko were dependent on this emission counter, as the supply count for these websites has been stuck at 18,446,744 XMR for the past month and a half. As a result Monero's marketcap rank on these lists is also innacurate.

moneroexamples commented 1 month ago

I pushed a tentative fix into emission branch for testing:

Now it shows (at the time of my testing):

Monero emission (fees) is 18464815.243604807284 (103453.676548509515) as of 3196036 block 


To test it, pull emission branch of the explorer and compile against master branch of monero.

Delete pre-existing, if any, ~/.bitmonero/lmdb/emission_amount.txt This is a default file where the explorer keeps track of the emission. Once the new explorer is started with --enable-emission-monitor flag, it should start calculating the emission using uint128_t data type. This process is time consuming - few hours to go through entire blockchain.

To calculate emission in monero daemon for verification, use print_coinbase_tx_sum 0 <last_block_number>. Monero daemon will also take time to calculate the total emission.

rottenwheel commented 4 weeks ago


Gingeropolous commented 3 weeks ago

the emission counter is back!