mongrov / timon

Efficient local storage and Amazon S3-compatible data synchronization for time-series data,leveraging Parquet for storage and DataFusion for querying, all wrapped in a simple and intuitive API
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Timon File & S3-Compatible Storage API

This API provides a set of functions for managing databases and tables in both local file storage and S3-compatible storage. It supports creating databases and tables, inserting data, querying using SQL, and more.

Table of Contents

  1. File Storage Functions
  2. S3-Compatible Storage Functions
  3. Function Descriptions

File Storage Functions

These functions manage databases and tables stored locally on the file system. Data can be inserted, queried, and organized using SQL-like operations.

// Initialize Timon with a local storage path
external fun initTimon(storagePath: String): String

// Create a new database
external fun createDatabase(dbName: String): String

// Create a new table within a specific database
external fun createTable(dbName: String, tableName: String): String

// List all available databases
external fun listDatabases(): String

// List all tables within a specific database
external fun listTables(dbName: String): String

// Delete a specific database
external fun deleteDatabase(dbName: String): String

// Delete a specific table within a database
external fun deleteTable(dbName: String, tableName: String): String

// Insert data into a table in JSON format
external fun insert(dbName: String, tableName: String, jsonData: String): String

// Query a database with a date range and SQL query
external fun query(dbName: String, dateRange: Map<String, String>, sqlQuery: String): String

S3-Compatible Storage Functions

These functions manage data stored in an S3-compatible bucket, allowing for querying and saving monthly data as Parquet files.

// Initialize S3-compatible storage with endpoint and credentials
external fun initBucket(bucket_endpoint: String, bucket_name: String, access_key_id: String, secret_access_key: String): String

// Query the bucket with a date range and SQL query
external fun queryBucket(dateRange: Map<String, String>, sqlQuery: String): String

// Sink monthly data to Parquet format in the bucket
external fun sinkMonthlyParquet(dbName: String, tableName: String): String

Function Descriptions