monkey3three /

Unblocked game website in progress. Constant updates. Password is in README
MIT License
7 stars 28 forks source link


There is no longer a password.

What if this is blocked for you?

Create an issue containing what blocker they are using. Don't have time now but eventually I will get around to this.

2.0 is out!!!! is the 2.0 website. Feedback is appreciated!

Netlify Version [DEPRECATED]

Got rid of this because Netlify was going to charge me as it was about to hit the bandwith limit, yet I was on the free tier. I was meaning to delete this one for a while because of this reason but since its almost 100% bandwith used for this month, I've finally done it. Netlify files are still up on github, feel free to host it for yourself.

Future of this version?

This will remain up, but will not receive any updates unless something breaks.