monodera / pfs_target_uploader

A web application to validate and upload target lists with pointing simulations for PFS observation
MIT License
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PFS Target Uploader

The PFS Target Uploader is a web app to validate and submit the target list supplied by users with an observing time estimate by a pointing simulation.


Clone the repository

git clone
cd pfs_target_uploader

Installing dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt  # perhaps optional
pip install -e .

mkdir -p data/
mkdir -p data/temp/

Build documentation

cd docs
mkdocs build
cd ..

Run the app

pfs-uploader-cli start-app uploader \
    --allow-websocket-origin=localhost:5008 \
    --static-dirs doc="./docs/site/" \
    --static-dirs data="./data"

Open the target uploader at http://localhost:5008/ . Uploaded files will be stored under data with the following structure.

$ tree data/
└── <year>
    └── <month>
        └── <year month day>-<hour minute second>-<upload_id>
            ├── README.txt
            ├── pfs_target-yyyymmdd-hhmmss-<upload_id>.zip
            ├── ppc_<upload_id>.ecsv
            ├── ppp_figure_<upload_id>.html
            ├── psl_<upload_id>.ecsv
            ├── target_<upload_id>.ecsv
            ├── target_summary_<upload_id>.ecsv
            └── <original file>

ppc, psl, and target files correspond to the lists of pointing centers, the pointing summary, and input targets, respectively. Plots are available in the ppp_figure file and all files are included in the zip file.

The path to the data directory can be controlled by the OUTPUT_DIR environment variable in .env.shared. An example of .env.shared is the following.

# OUTPUT_DIR_PREFIX must be identical to the directory value specified as `data` above.


The following parameters can be set in the .env.shared file to configure the app.

# Output directory for the submitted files

# maximum execution time (s) to terminate the calculation (default: 900s = 15min, 0 = no limit)

# maximum number of pointings to be considered (default: 200, 0 = no limit)
# MAX_NPPC=100

# email setting (email will be sent at each submission)