Monody is an online werewolf game.
Every roles and mechanics are explained here (in french)
If you read this after January 2024, is not up anymore. I don't want to pay a domain name just for a side project that I made to learn, even though I have access to free hosting through Github Student Pack.
This repo contains code for the API (made with Laravel), the WS server (made with in typescript, in the websockets/ folder) and the front (made with Vue).
Install the deps :
composer install && yarn install
Fill the .env :
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate --ansi
Make a self-signed certificate (More infos here)
And then just run docker-compose up -d --build
to start local servers.
You may want to run migrations and fill up the database :
docker exec [[monody or project directory name]-php-1 or container id] make seed
Coded and designed with ♥️ by moon250
Backgrounds and role's icons drawn with ♥️ Bawa
Musics and sound effects made with ♥️ by Julien Pardo