monsoft / asnblocker

Plugin for Postfix SMTP server to block network segments propagated by AS number.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ASN Blocker for Postfix SMTP server

This is very simple plugin for Postfix SMTP server to block access to service from IPs that are propagated by listed ASN (Autonomous system) numbers.

This script use API with free account. If you run busy SMTP server, you may be required to buy paid plan.

Why this plugin has been created

I'm running small smtp server to host my personal emails. Since two months, my server is daily bombarded by connection from Spam Servers hosted by LayerHost and company doesn't reacted to any abuse notification. I know, that blocking entire network block belongs to hosting company may be drastic, but it works for me and may works for you.

Installation & configuration

  1. Clone repository to /opt directory.
  2. Instal curl and jq application on your system:


sudo apt install -y curl jq

Red Hat/CentOs 7

sudo yum install -y curl jq

Red Hat/CentOs/Rocky Linux/AlmaLinux 8

sudo dnf install -y curl jq
  1. Create account in and copy API token.
  2. Modify TOKEN variable in script.
  3. Add list of ASN numbers (one number per line) to asn_list.txt file.
  4. Add below lines to the end of Postfix file:
asnblocker   unix  -       n       n       -       0       spawn
  user=asnblocker argv=/opt/asnblocker/
  1. Add below line to Postfix file under smtpd_client_restrictions :
smtpd_client_restrictions = 
  check_policy_service unix:private/asnblocker
  1. Crete system user & group:
sudo adduser --quiet --system --group --no-create-home --home /nonexistent asnblocker
  1. Restart postfix service by running command systemctl restart postfix
  2. Check your Postfix logs

Obtaining AS number

The easiest way to get AS number of network which you want to block is by using whois service:

whois ip_address |grep "^OriginAS:"

OriginAS:       ASxxxxx

or you can use websites like