monsterxx03 / snet

transparent proxy works on linux desktop, MacOS, router
MIT License
73 stars 11 forks source link
linux macos transparent-proxy



Systemwide transparent tcp proxy works on linux, MacOS, router.

It's a solution like: (redsocks + ss-local)/ss-redir + ChinaDNS. But all in one binary, don't depend on dnsmasq.



As client

For linux: ensure iptables and ipset installed in your system.

For macos: pfctl is included by default, no extra dependences.

Example config.json:

    "as-upstream": false,
    "listen-host": "",
    "listen-port": 1111,
    "proxy-type": "ss",
    "proxy-timeout":  30,
    # `bypassCN` or `global`, default to `bypassCN`
    "proxy-scope": "bypassCN",
    # target host list will bypass snet
    "bypass-hosts": [""],
    # only work on "mode": "router", traffic from those ips will bypass snet, use case: home NAS
    "bypass-src-ips": [""],

    # config used when proxy-type is "http"
    "http-proxy-host": "",
    "http-proxy-port": 8080,
    "http-proxy-auth-user": "",
    "http-proxy-auth-password": "",

    # config used when proxy-type is "ss"
    "ss-host": "",
    "ss-port": 8080,
    "ss-chpier-method": "aes-256-cfb",
    "ss-passwd": "passwd",

    # config used when proxy-type is "ss2"
    "ss2-host": "",
    "ss2-port": 8080,
    "ss2-cipher-method": "AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305",
    "ss2-key": "",
    "ss2-password": "passwd"

    # config used when proxy-type is "tls"
    "tls-host": "",
    "tls-port": 443,
    "tls-token": "tlstoken",

    # config used when proxy-type is "socks5"
    "socks5-host": "",
    "socks5-port": 1080,
    "socks5-auth-user": "",
    "socks5-auth-password": "",

    "cn-dns": "",  # dns in China
    "fq-dns": "",  # clean dns out of China
    "enable-dns-cache": true,
    "enforce-ttl": 3600,  # if > 0, will use this value otherthan A record's TTL
    "disable-qtypes": ["AAAA"], # return empty dns msg for those query types
    "force-fq": ["*"], # domain pattern matched will skip cn-dns query
    "dns-logging-file": "dns.log",  # dns query will be logged in this file

    "dns-prefetch-enable": true,
    "dns-prefetch-count":  100,  # prefetch top 10 freq used domains in cache.
    "dns-prefetch-interval": 60, 

    "host-map": {
        "": ""  # map host and ip
    "block-host-file": "", # if set, domain name in this file will return to client
    "block-hosts": ["*"], # support block hosts with wildcard
    "mode": "local",   # run on desktop: local, run on router: router

    "active-eni": ""   # only used on Mac, if multi network interface is active, snet try to use the one with highest priority, use this option to override this behavior


snet will modify iptables/pf, root privilege is required.

sudo ./snet -config config.json

Test (proxy-scope = bypassCN):

If proxy-scope is global, both should return ss server ip.

If you use it on router, change mode to router, and listen-host should be your router's ip or

Stats api and terminal top UI

In config.json:

snet server will serve stats api on port 8810

curl http://localhost:8810/stats

        "Uptime": "26m42s",
        "Total": {
            "RxSize": 161539743,
            "TxSize": 1960171
        "Hosts": [
                "Host": "",
                "Port": 443,
                "RxRate": 0,
                "TxRate": 0,
                "RxSize": 840413,
                "TxSize": 172528
                "Host": "",
                "Port": 443,
                "RxRate": 0,
                "TxRate": 0,
                "RxSize": 25710,
                "TxSize": 12218
                "Host": "",
                "Port": 443,
                "RxRate": 0,
                "TxRate": 0,
                "RxSize": 25418,
                "TxSize": 960
                "Host": "",
                "Port": 443,
                "RxRate": 0,
                "TxRate": 0,
                "RxSize": 38138,
                "TxSize": 2198

Top like UI: ./snet -top


As upstream server

example config.json:

    "as-upstream": true,
    "upstream-type": "tls",
    "upstream-tls-server-listen": "",
    "upstream-tls-key": "server.key", # created by: openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
    "upstream-tls-crt": "server.pem", # created by: openssl req -new -x509 -key server.key -out server.pem -days 3650
    "upstream-tls-token": "xxxx"  # random string

Only support tls tunnel when run as upstream server



./snet -config config.json

For traffic from docker container

Solution 1:

Solution 2:

Hot reload

If config.json is changed, use HUP signal to reload.

kill -HUP $(pgrep snet)

During hot reload:

snet will try to find active network interface current using on starting, you can use active-eni option (eg: en4) to override it.

Tested on:



Known issue:
