monterosalondon / react-native-parallax-scroll

Parallax scroll view for react-native
MIT License
554 stars 62 forks source link
parallax parallax-scrolling react react-native scroll


A ScrollView-like component that:


$ npm install @monterosa/react-native-parallax-scroll --save


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Basic Usage

import ParallaxScroll from '@monterosa/react-native-parallax-scroll';

// Inside of a component's render() method:
render() {
  return (
      renderHeader={({ animatedValue }) => <Header animatedValue={animatedValue} />}
      renderParallaxBackground={({ animatedValue }) => <Background animatedValue={animatedValue} />}
      renderParallaxForeground={({ animatedValue }) => <Foreground animatedValue={animatedValue} />}
      <Welcome />


Please clone the repo and run npm run storybook or yarn storybook to show examples of usages.

Usage (API)

All of the properties of ScrollView are supported. Please refer to the ScrollView documentation for more detail.

The ParallaxScroll component adds a few additional properties, as described below.

Property Type Defaut Description
style object {} Component's styles
width number Dimensions.get('window').width Component's width.
height number Dimensions.get('window').height Component's height.
innerRef func null To get a reference to the scrollable component.
scrollStyle object {} These styles will be applied to the scroll view.
headerHeight number 45 This is the height of sticky(fixed) header.
renderHeader ({ width, height, animatedValue }) => {} null This renders an optional sticky(fixed) header that will be visible to the top of the view.
onHeaderFixed func null A callback function that is invoked when the header will attach to the top.
isHeaderFixed bool false Is header fixed to top(not sticky)?
parallaxHeight number Dimensions.get('window').width * 9 / 16 This is the height of parallax.
useNativeDriver bool false Enable Native driver for animated. NOTE: Works only with Animated.ScrollView component.
scrollableComponent class Animated.ScrollView This is a class of scrollable component.
isBackgroundScalable bool true Is background scalable on iOS?
headerBackgroundColor string rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) The color of the unsticked(unfixed) header background. Can be empty '' string. NOTE: Dosen't work with useNativeDriver.
contentContainerStyle object {} These styles will be applied to the scroll view content container which wraps all of the child views.
headerFixedTransformY number 0 This number indicating how much the fixed header should move upwards during the scroll. Used as the hack to change fixed header height during scroll.
onChangeHeaderVisibility func null A callback function that is invoked when the parallax header is hidden or shown (as the user is scrolling). Function is called with a boolean value to indicate whether header is visible or not.
renderParallaxBackground ({ width, height, animatedValue }) => {} null This renders the background of the parallax.
renderBackgroundPlaceholder ({ height, animatedValue }) => {} null By default we assume that you want to show the foreground and background in its own space. We prepend an empty view with the height of parallaxHeight. You can override this behaviour to layer things in between foreground and background. You might want to avoid foreground in such a scenario, see Issue #23 for more details.
renderParallaxForeground ({ width, height, animatedValue }) => {} null This renders the foreground of the parallax.
fadeOutParallaxBackground bool false If true, the background will fade out as the user scrolls up.
fadeOutParallaxForeground bool false If true, the foreground will fade out as the user scrolls up.
headerFixedBackgroundColor string rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) The color of the sticked(fixed) header background.
backgroundScale number 3 The speed factor that the background scales. Respects backgroundScaleOrigin
backgroundScaleOrigin center or top center The point of which the background should scroll from. Use top with backgroundScale={2} in order to achieve iOS native parallax scroll behavior. Top will keep the background locked to the top of the scrollview, while scaling the image such that it stretches the background in the downwards direction.
parallaxBackgroundScrollSpeed number 5 The speed factor that the background moves at relative to the scroll content.
parallaxForegroundScrollSpeed number 5 The speed factor that the foreground moves at relative to the scroll content.

Latest changelog

All changes here

1.8.0 - 2018-04-14


1.7.0 - 2018-04-12


1.6.0 - 2018-04-05



I welcome contributions! Please open an issue if you have any feature ideas or find any bugs. I also accept pull requests with open arms. I will go over the issues when I have time. :)