montreyw / Theme-Redesign-and-SEO-Overhaul

Earmilk redesign project
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Earmilk redesign project

Table of Contents

  1. To Do
  2. Theme Changes
  3. SEO Work
  4. Miscellaneous Work
  5. EARMILK Links
  6. EARMILK License

To Do

Theme Changes - UX/UI

  1. All ads have been removed -- the list of ads and their respective code can be found in this file
  2. Black to White -- style code has been added to default.css, in wp-mag > css > colors
  3. Custom JS file edited to add ".sticky" class to whole <body> as well as the <header> so that the jitteriness can be fixed when Sticky Nav Header is trigger on scroll down by user
  4. All mobile sizing issues resolved
  5. Broken behavior of Header and logo jerkiness fixed, especially on mobile
  6. Various texts, sizing, and minor spacing issues (particularly with sidebar widgets and texts) have been resolved
  7. Footer widgets re-arranged a bit, less posts in left column, and location of language-flag changed
  8. Main Stage centered and spacing above increased
  9. Header navigation dropdown changed from black to white
  10. Fixed Author Page Bio & Search Results Dropdown to go with new theme
  11. Overahued Posts Layout Grid, then touched up a bit
  12. Milky Harlem Shake Easter Egg! (uploaded, initialized, customized)
  13. Made the color of the various title bars and the search field a bit darker
  14. Fixed up footer: [left Trending posts widget](Fixed up latest posts left Footer widget), Google Translator plugin, Music Vibes links and Music Magazine Subscription text
  15. Applied New "Quantum Paper Input Style" to Search
  16. Header Overhaul (strucutre, style)
  17. "Main Stage" Overhaul (strucutre, style)
  18. Restructured new header further to remove unnecessary actions and make more compatible with all pages
  19. Main Stage removed from all pages but the Home
  20. Removed Main Srage from all pages but Home
  21. Widened front page posts on mobile
  22. Purrtied up and normalized Album Review, VOICES, Gear, and News post type grids
  23. Prettied and restructured single post's Title and Author Meta
  24. Changed site-wide font to Helvetica for aesthetics and better readibility
  25. Improved single post view on mobile
  26. Jazzed up and updated structure and style of Author Pages
  27. Slicked up and pdated structure and style of Archive Pages
  28. Restructutred, simplified and improved the main Fixed Header
  29. Implemented colorful category navigation Genre Bar
  30. Added custom thumbnail pagination to Main Stage Owl Carousel
  31. Fixed and doped out the broken transitional fade-in of the Main Stage Owl Carousel
  32. Added hot animated loading thematic 'music equalizer' animation to the Main Stage as it initializes on page open
  33. Added nifty Left Stage to the ... left of Main Stage on the front page (Left Stage structure, style)
  34. Coded a basic function to trigger Next and Previous of Owl Carousel with keyboard keys
  35. New Interview Post question and answer style
  36. New 404 page according to design from EARMILK 2.0
  37. Interviewer and Interviewee names in Interview posts will now have their names boldened even if the markup protocol is not followed properly by the writer
  38. Implemented unique Spotify Playlists for respective Genre Category Headers (ie, hiphp, dance, etc) (JSON iFrame URL data, structure and function, style)
  39. Facebook Like Box slideout
  40. Genre Category Archive Page header Soundcloud and Spotify tabbed playlists (structure, style, data in JSON)
  41. Type Anywhere Search (structure, functionality, style)
  42. Album Review Single Post Details Box Redone (HTML structure, CSS style; dynamic rating stars structure and dynamic rating stars style)
  43. Re-styled drab, gray section headers
  44. Styled up About Us page (style, structure)
  45. Custom 404 page
  46. Styled up Photo Journal Posts
  47. ...

SEO Work

Fixing Incomplete, Missing, or Broken hAtom hEntries

1. [Commented]( out line 481 in wp-includes/post-template.php * ** *this is the line that was commented out ```php // hentry for hAtom compliance $classes[] = 'hentry'; ``` **for a new, modern, properly coded theme, it'd be a bit cleaner to use the following PHP filter to remove broken WP-default hentry ```php function remove_hentry( $classes ) { $classes = array_diff($classes, array('hentry')); return $classes; } ``` 2. [Fixed/added]( hEntry tags to single.php for hAtom compliance 3. [Fixed/added]( hEntry tags to single-album_review.php for hAtom compliance 4. [Fixed/added]( hEntry tags to single-gear_review.php for hAtom compliance 5. [Fixed/added]( hEntry tags to single-news.php for hAtom compliance 6. [Fixed/added]( hEntry tags to single-opinion_post.php for hAtom compliance 7. [Upgraded]( hAtom markup to h-Atom micro formats draft 2.0 8. [Added]( hAtom to more template files 9. [Added]( hAtom to Main Stage 10. [Added]( hAtom to main index.php file, which affects most posts 11. Fixed broken hAtom entries in [Ultimate Posts Widget]( 12. [Coded and added]( a functions.php function and index.php reference for a custom, new `get_post_class()` function that eliminates the `hentry` class from the array - the new function is called `andre_get_post_class_without_hentry()` 13. Added [hEntry and h-Entry]( to *Left Stage* VOICES and SCOOPS 14. ... Markup

1. Added [Organization]( to header.php `` 2. Added [WPHeader]( to header.php 3. Added [WPFooter]( to footer.php 4. Added [SiteNavigationElement]( to re-structured Header 5. Added [mainContentOfPage]( to all the single post pages -- index.php, page.php, single.php and single*.php 6. Added [WPSideBar]( Schema to all pages (I think) 7. Added [Publisher]( Schema to WPHeader 8. Added Event Schema to [Events Archive]( and to [Single Event Posting Pages]( 9. Added BlogPosting Schema to [index.php](, which will apply to a variety of archive pages and post grid types (eg, Hip-hop Category Page, Author Archive Pages, etc) 10. Added [Image Object]( Schema added to NewsArticle index.php 11. For Author Pages, added `CollectionPage` via [CollectionPage VS WebPage differentiation]( to Main Site Header 12. Added [Person]( to Author Pages and made authors the mainEntity of the page. Note: had to write [a custom PHP function]( to inject `itemprop="image"` into the `` tag of author photos, regardless of whether WP Social Avatar or default Gravatar is being used. 13. Removed duplicate, error-prone The Events Calendar `ld+json` markup block via [function.php function]( 14. Album Review Single Post [Schema perfected]( 15. BlogPosting Schema added to [single.php]( 16. BlogPosting Schema added to [single-opinion_post.php]( 17. NewsArticle Schema added to [single-news.php]( 18. Added full BlogPosting list Schema to [archive-album_review.php / Album Review]( Archive pages 19. Added full BlogPosting list Schema to [archive-opinion_post.php / VOICES / Opinion Post]( Archive pages 20. Added full BlogPosting list Schema to [archive-gear_post.php / VOICES / Opinion Post]( Archive pages 21. Basic BlogPosting Schema added to [single-gear_post.php]( -- once [Issue #47]( is resolved, the Schema can be expanded to also include `Product / Offering` and `Review` schema itemscopes. 22. ...

Other SEO Improvements

1. Fixed [several SEO meta tags]( in the `` 2. Properly implemented [non-WWW to WWW](, fixing [a major issue]( 3. Implemented WWW to non-WWW ([nginx conf file]( and [wp-config.php]( 4. Disabled [Yoast Schema]( and some metas 5. Fixed W3TC and nginx settings conflict ([issue #9]( which resulted in vrious bugs ([1st attempt](, [removed faulty code](, [pre-re-installed W3TC nginx.conf](, [new nginx.conf after re-install](, [proper include to W3TC WP-root nginx.conf]( 6. Fixed Sitemap (several plugin issues were resolved to make it work) 7. Added robot.txt to `file2.` (Montrey) and `mooks.` subdomains to prevent caching unnecessary files 8. WOOHOO! Auto-posting to [Google+]( via [RSSFeed](http://earmilk/feed/) and [Hootsuite]( finally setup! 9. Fixed RSS Feed so that now it [loads ALL post types](, including the custom types 10. Added func to functions.php to [prepend `"Album Review: "`]( to Album Review custom post_type titles 11. ... - [Back to top ^](#table-of-contents) --------

Misc Work

1. Backups made ([Google Drive](, [MEGA]( 2. [GitHub Project]( set up 3. Clone set up at []( 4. Google Analytics [hardcoded]( into header.php 5. Yoast Google Analytics plugin deactivated 6. Fixed a CSS alignment of fields bug in [ALbum Review Details]( backend plugin (Resolved [Issue #16]( 7. Restructured [Header]( for flexibility, to fix Schema Nav and to allow Genre Bar 8. Added functions.php filter to remove annoying, spammy, and meaningless [Yoast notifications]( 9. Installed new suite of favicons for all devices and platforms ([files](, [header.php references](, [validation test]( 10. Set up EARMILK Bookmark on Android as Standalone App via `manifest.json` ([reference](, [file]( 11. Made Genre Bar Dynamic and editable from the backend ([functions.php registetration](, [structure](, [javascript](, [style]( 12. Placed ads ([header/header.php]( 13. Added function to use a default fallback image when something goes wrong with the default `the_post_thumbnail()` WP function ([func in functions.php](, [index.php fixed]( 14. Created a dynamically generated pages of all EARMILK authors that have published 1 or more posts ([page start](, [functions.php function to only output authors with 1 or more posts](), [page finished]()) 15. Appended to functions.php to create [shortcodes]( which enable outpitting WordPress user meta info (eg, like name and photo) from within WordPress pposts or pages 16. [Transfered]( all important CSS from default.css to style.css and [disabled]( scripts.php registration and call to default.css 17. Developed custom TinyMCE Interview Question and Interview Answer buttons for content writers post editting view ([functions.PHP](, [JS](, [CSS]( 18. New Related Posts function that first pulls tag-related posts, then category-related posts, up to 4 posts ([functions.php function](, [single-*.php template files reference call]( 19. Disabled [WP Emoji Release JS]( 20. Image sizes in a [variety of locations on the site]( have been properly re-defined, re-sized, re-scaled and pulled 21. Reduced [W3C Validator]( errors for `` from 103 erros to 8 errors 22. ... - [Back to top ^](#table-of-contents) -------- #### Earmilk Development Enviornment Clone Site -- []( #### Earmilk "throwaway" email account login: password: [a truth we share] #### Earmilk Asset Storage -- [Earmilk project assets cloud folder]( -- []( (large; full site backup for safe keeping) ----- Mega login: ----- Mega password: [a truth we share] #### Earmilk GitHub - - [Back to top ^](#table-of-contents) ----------


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