montypanday / DocChain

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DocChain is a a file storage medium, capable of tracking, documenting and retaining the integrity of files and actions performed on them, with the reliability of blockchain technology.

Currently your Google Drive and files can be used, with plans to broaden file storage services in the future.

Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


1. Visual Studio Community '17
    ii. install as you would any program
2. NodeJS
    ii. run the .msi
3. MySQL Server (App will run without a MySQL server setup however file action tracking won't be functional)
    ii. Run the installer and follow the setup wizard

Installing A step-by-step guide of examples that will get your development environment running. There are steps missing due to security concerns.

1. Gathering all the required files.  
i. Navigate to the Clone or Download button on the GitHub repo, and selection an option.  
ii. Download the required >>dist<< folder _here_ which you will need to move to the project wwwroot folder  
iii. Download the provided loading animation _here_ which you will need to move to the dist folder  

2. Starting the project.  
i. Start Visual Studio 2017  
ii. Open a project  
iii. Navigate to the downloaded project files you collected in step 1i.   
iv. Select the front_end.sln and open it.  

3. Project set-up  
i. Navigate to the Solution Explorer in Visual studio  
ii. Select the front_end project and right click it  
iii. Open the properties panel  
iv. Select the Debug tab on the left hand side of the Properties panel  
v. The settings should be as so, ignore those that are not mentioned:  
    Profile: IIS Express  
    Launch: IIS Express  
    Launch Browser[checked]: https://localhost:44374/  
    App URL: https://localhost:44374/  
    IIS Express Bitness: Default  
    Enable SSL[checked]: https://localhost:44374/  
    Enable Anonymous Authentication[checked]  
    Enable Windows Authentication[unchecked]  
vi. Navigate to the TypeScript Build tab as in step 3iv.  
vii. Ensure TypeScript Version 2.6 is selected.  
viii. Complete the steps mentioned above in 1ii, and 1iii.  
ix. Navigate to the Solution Explorer  
x. Select and drop-down the Dependencies    
xi. Select and drop-down npm  
xii. Ensure there are no warning yellow-triangle icons present on the icons of each npm package  
xiii. if there are, select, right-click and update these packages, to do this for all packages at once right-click npm and update all packages  

4. Intialising the Database  
i. Download and install MySQL Server and MySQL workbench from
ii. Follow the setup wizard. Ensure your server username and password match those specified within the application.
iii. In MySQL workbench add a new schema to the server named "docchain"
iv. Open and run the script docchain-db-setup.sql, found within the Database\scripts subdirectory.
v. After setting up for the first time with the above steps, updates to the database can be applied by first running docchain-db-teardown.sql script, then running the new docchain-db-setup.sql script.

Built With

The core technologies used to build the project.

1. ReactJS
3. NodeJS
4. Webpack
5. MySQL


Individuals of note and projects we pilfered.

1. Leonard Hoon: Guidance, advice and supervision

These already come with the project but deserve mentioning for heavily augmenting the UX