monya-wallet / monya

The easiest cryptocurrency wallet Monya
MIT License
86 stars 47 forks source link


Easy but secure Cryptocurrency Wallet

MIT License CircleCI

Use Monya Now

Official Website

Wallet (Stable)

Dev Version


Origin of the name "Monya"

Because Kanemitsu Midori, who is CFO of bitFlyer, said Monya


Icon was made by DMD. This icon is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. (CC-BY)

How to Build


Asset Build

  1. git clone
  2. npm install
  3. npm run build

npm run start to develop. (with browser-sync auto reload)


If error occurs, re-create lang/dict.json. Contents is {}

Cordova Build

Please build assets npm run build in advance

  1. npm install -g cordova@7.1.0 Caution: Cordova version must be 7.1. 8.0 is not supported.
  2. cd cordovaProj
  3. npm install
  4. cordova platform add <platformName> platformName will be ios, android, etc.
  5. cordova build <platformName> --release

Chrome Extension Build

  1. npm run build to make chrome assets under chrome_extension
  2. Click "Pack extension" and choose chrome_extension in Chrome Extension page. If you have already packaged, choose keys that is generated in the previous time. Otherwise, store can't recognize a signature.
  3. After finishing packaging, .crx and key will be generated. Please upload .crx. Store the key securely.

webp conversion

run below shellscript on the directory which has

$ cd dist && find assets|sed -e 's/assets\///'|grep -e '\(\.png\|\.jpg\)'|while read a;do cwebp -q 90 -z 9 -mt -af -progress -v assets/$a -o ../chrome_extension/assets-webp/$(echo $a|sed -e 's/\(\.png\|\.jpg\)//').webp;done

Electron Build

Please build assets npm run build in advance

  1. cd electron
  2. npm install
  3. npm run dist

Package will be output under electron/dist


GPLv3 Changed

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2018 monya-wallet zenypota

Icons of coins are licensed under each license. Other assets like image, sound are licensed under CC-BY