This project and associated docker containers provide a mock of the main BigBlueButton server and can be used for testing of BigBlueButton integrations.
Run the following command to get your mock server up and running:
docker run -p 8001:80 moodlehq/bigbluebutton_mock
in your config.php when running automated tests like PHPUnit and Behat.
Otherwise, most of the BigBlueButton tests will be marked skipped.
For example, add the following to your config.php after the $CFG->wwwroot
define('TEST_MOD_BIGBLUEBUTTONBN_MOCK_SERVER', "http://localhost:8001/hash" . sha1($CFG->wwwroot));
The Moodle Docker testing environment contains in-built support for running and configuring the mock server (since #241).
In order to do so, simply export the MOODLE_DOCKER_BBB_MOCK
environment variable prior to starting the containers.
All endpoints must be prefixed with a serverID to allow for parallel runs, for example:
In addition to the standard endpoints, additional endpoints are provided for setting up data which a test requires or expects:
In addition, the following endpoint can be used to trigger a reset between tests:
And the following endpoints exist to view the current meetings and recordings:
wget -O - | bash
sudo apt install php7.4-sqlite3
Check requirements:
cd application
symfony check:requirements
Set up the db:
php bin/console doctrine:database:drop --force
php bin/console doctrine:schema:create
Run the project:
symfony server:start --port=8001 --no-tls --allow-http
XDEBUG_SESSION=1 symfony server:start --port=8001 --no-tls --allow-http
Note : if you want to publish on your own repository (being Docker Hub or Git Container Registry), you need to define the following secrets following secrets :