Mönes Restaurant
Mönes restaurant is my fourth project and is a simple restaurant booking system.
This will use languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript Python and Django.
This project will show the use of CRUD functionality (Create, Read, Update, Delete). The user will be able create, read, update and delete bookings.
The live website can be found here.
User Experience (UX)
A visitor to Mönes Restaurant probably is interested in food and to eat at restaurants.
The user wants to know what kind of food the restaurant serves and the possibilities to book a visit.
This website provides an easy way to book a table at a restaurant.
Strategy Plan
Project Goals
The main goal of this project is to allow the user to sign up, log in/out, and create/read/update/delete a table booking in a simple and effective process.
User Goals
- As a visitor I want to be able to view the menu so that I can deside if I want to book a table.
- As a visitor I want to book a table for a specific date and time.
- As a visitor I want to book a table for a specific number of people.
- As a visitor I want to edit a booking if I need to do any changes.
- As a visitor I want to delete a booking that I already made.
User Expectations
- The website should be easy to navigate.
- The website is responsive on all devices.
- The menu is clear to read
User Stories
The agile methodology were used throughout the project. I used the GitHub projects board to log all user stories as my project management tool. Creating epics and user storys for this project helped me to focus on the necessary tasks and a working environment the goals where easy to visualize.
EPIC: Navigation & Information
Create templates, navigation and responsive design for the site.
User Stories
- As a site User I can intuitively navigate through the site so that I can easily find the desired information.
- As a site User I can understand the site's purpose immediately so that I can decide if it meets my needs.
- As a site User I can expect responsive design so that I can view the site on multiple devices.
EPIC: Admin Account
Create an admin account with CRUD functionalities.
User Stories
- As a site Admin I can use an admin panel so that I can manage bookings.
- As a site Admin I can use an admin panel so that I can receive/ answer messages from the contact form.
EPIC: User Account
Allow Users to create/update/manage and delete user accounts.
User Stories
- As a site User I can create an account so that I can make, change or delete a booking.
- As a site User I can log in/out and manage my account so that I can manage or delete my profile.
EPIC: Booking
Create a booking system so the user can make a booking for a table by choosing date, time and number of people.
User Stories
- As a logged in site User or Admin I can select a date, time and number of people so that I can book a table.
- As a logged in site User/ Admin I can manage a booking** so that I can change or cancel my booking as needed.
EPIC: Contact Form
Create a contact form so the site User can send message to the Admin
User Stories
- As a site User I can submit a contact form so that I can ask for additional information.
EPIC: Error Pages
Create status error pages so users will now if there is a problem.
User Stories
- As a site User I can see custom error pages so that I will know if there is a problem.
Database Model
I used principles of Object-Oriented Programming throughout this project and Django’s Class-Based Generic Views. Django AllAuth was used for user authentication.
A custom booking model was made to implement CRUD functionality. This alloed loged in user to to add, read, edit or delete a booking. This can be done both from the live website and from the admin panel.
The function in the booking model also looking for available tables on the date and time the user requests, and by the number of guests the booking is for.
The table model represents the table in the restaurant with the number of available seats.
Database model:
Landing Page
About Us
My Account
Sign Up
Color Scheme
I used the color #de7a22 from the logo to generate the colors.
The color palette for the website was generated from My Color
Existing Features
- A customized logo was created using the free logo generator,Hatchful, by Shopify.
- The logo is positioned at the top left of the navigation bar. The logo is linked to the home page so the user can easily navigate the site.
Navigation bar
- The navigation bar is present at the top of every page and includes all links to the other pages.
- When a user is logged in Signup disapears and My Accounts is visible instead.
- The navigation bar is fully responsive and collapses into a hamburger menu icon on smaller screen sizes. collapsing into a hamburger menu when the screen size becomes too small. When the hamburger is clicked, the menu options open on the left-hand side just under the page logo.
- Hovering over the links will change the color to a darker brown and a underline affect appears.
- Contains the contact details to the restaurant.
- Links to the home top of page and booking.
Home Page
- The hero image gives the user a sense of what food the restaurant serves.
About Page
- Gives the user some words from the restaurant.
User Accounts Pages
Django allauth was installed and used to create the Sign up, Log In and Log Out functionality and pages.
- Signup - A user can sign up and create an account for making bookings.
- Log In - A user can log in to a created account.
- Log Out - A user can log out from the account and no longer be able to book a table, or manage bookings.
- Menu - Show the user the menu
- My Bookings - Displays the users bookings
Edit booking - A user can edit their booking.
Delete booking - A user can delete their booking permanently.
About us - Tells the user some info from the restaurant.
Future Features
- It should not be possible to cretae a booking before the actual day at the booking time.
- Customize user login/logout templates.
- Create Error pages
- It should be possible for a user to delete their account.
All testing information can be found here testing.md
The following steps were taken to deploy the live website to Heroku from the GitHub repository:
Before final deployment to Heroku:
- Set debug = False in settings.py file.
- Commit and push all files to GitHub
The site was deployed using Heroku. The steps to deploy are as follows:
- Go to Heroku
- Go to 'New' and select 'Create a new app'
- Input your app name and create app.
- Navigate to 'Settings'
- On the Config Vars section, enter the following values:
- SECRET_KEY: The Secret Key for your project
- DATABASE_URL: The URL from your ElephantSQL dashboard
- CLOUNDINARY_URL: The URL from your Cloudinary dashboard
- PORT: 8000
- Navigate to the 'Deploy' section.
- Connect to GitHub, search for your repo and confirm.
- Choose branch to deploy.
- Your app should now be available to see. You can choose whether to have your app automatically redeploy with every push or to keep it manual.
Credits & Content
Project Acknowledgements
- Code Institue Tutor Support - For directing me to the correct solutions for any bugs.
- My Mentor - For his big support.