moonbitlang / moon

The build system and package manager for MoonBit
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
140 stars 11 forks source link
build-system moonbit

codecov check


The build system and package manager for MoonBit.

$ moon help
The build system and package manager for MoonBit.

Usage: moon [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  new                    Create a new MoonBit module
  build                  Build the current package
  check                  Check the current package, but don't build object files
  run                    Run a main package
  test                   Test the current package
  clean                  Remove the target directory
  fmt                    Format source code
  doc                    Generate documentation
  info                   Generate public interface (`.mbti`) files for all packages in the module
  add                    Add a dependency
  remove                 Remove a dependency
  install                Install dependencies
  tree                   Display the dependency tree
  login                  Log in to your account
  register               Register an account at
  publish                Publish the current package
  update                 Update the package registry index
  coverage               Code coverage utilities
  generate-build-matrix  Generate build matrix for benchmarking (legacy feature)
  upgrade                Upgrade toolchains
  shell-completion       Generate shell completion for bash/elvish/fish/pwsh/zsh to stdout
  version                Print version information and exit
  help                   Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help

Common Options:
  -C, --directory <SOURCE_DIR>   The source code directory. Defaults to the current directory
      --target-dir <TARGET_DIR>  The target directory. Defaults to `source_dir/target`
  -q, --quiet                    Suppress output
  -v, --verbose                  Increase verbosity
      --trace                    Trace the execution of the program
      --dry-run                  Do not actually run the command
      --build-graph              Generate build graph

See tutorials at MoonBit's Build System Tutorial


To contribute, please read the contribution guidelines at docs/dev.