moonmaster9000 / hook

Simple lifecycle hooks for your objects.
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A simple API for adding before, after, and around callbacks to methods.

Think of it as ActiveSupport::CallbacksLite.


It's a gem. Install it:

$ gem install hook

Or add it to your Gemfile:

gem "hook"


Letting people hook around a method in your object is as simple as:

class SomeObject
  include Hook

  def some_method; end

Now, anyone can hook into your method:

SomeObject.hook_before(:some_method) do |some_object|

SomeObject.hook_after(:some_method) do |some_object|

SomeObject.hook_around(:some_method) do |some_object|

some_object is the instance of SomeObject that some_method executed on.

Basically, whenever anyone calls the some_method method on a SomeObject instance, here's what happens:

around some_method hooks run
before some_method hooks run
some_method method runs
after some_method hooks run
around some_method hooks run

Resetting callbacks

The hook library allows you to remove configured callbacks for either a specific hooked method, or for all hooked methods.

Specific Hooked Method

You can remove all before, after, and around some_method callbacks on your class with the "remove_callbacks!" method:

SomeObject.remove_callbacks! :some_method

All Hooked Methods

If you want to remove all configured callbacks for all hooked methods in one fail swoop, you can use the "remove_all_callbacks!" method:



This software is public domain. Since I've relinquished copyright, you can do anything with it. GO WILD.


Submit a pull request. Tests required. Also, by submitting a pull request, you are relinquishing your copyright over your contribution and submitting it to the public domain.