moorepants / me41055

Course website for TU Delft's Multibody Dynamics B course
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Term left out in generalized inertia torque in Nonholomic constraints chapter #52

Closed tjstienstra closed 2 years ago

tjstienstra commented 2 years ago

Saw someone else pointing out the problem that in the chapter about Equations of Motion with Nonholonomic Constraints step 8 a term was left out when computing the generalized inertia torques.

Ts_A = -A.ang_acc_in(N).dot(I_A_Ao)
Ts_B = -B.ang_acc_in(N).dot(I_B_Bo)
Ts_C = -C.ang_acc_in(N).dot(I_C_Co)

Should be:

Ts_A = -A.ang_acc_in(N).dot(I_A_Ao) + me.cross(A.ang_vel_in(N), I_A_Ao).dot(A.ang_vel_in(N))
Ts_B = -B.ang_acc_in(N).dot(I_B_Bo) + me.cross(B.ang_vel_in(N), I_B_Bo).dot(B.ang_vel_in(N))
Ts_C = -C.ang_acc_in(N).dot(I_C_Co) + me.cross(C.ang_vel_in(N), I_C_Co).dot(C.ang_vel_in(N))

This term should also be added in the next block where the $\ddot{q}$'s are replaced.

moorepants commented 2 years ago

For a planar problem, the terms you added are zero, no?

moorepants commented 2 years ago

$$\omega\hat{n}_x \times I\hat{n}_x\hat{n}_x = 0$$

tjstienstra commented 2 years ago

Yes, you're right forgot to check that. I've also clarified it to the person who noticed it. Thank you!

moorepants commented 2 years ago

Great :)

Here is the repo for the online text: