moorepants / me41055

Course website for TU Delft's Multibody Dynamics B course
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
1 stars 3 forks source link

The course website for Delft University of Technology's Multibody Dynamics B course. The rendered version can be viewed at:

Editing Guide

.. _Pelican documentation: .. _Sphinx reStructuredText primer:

Building Locally

It is good practice to build the documentation locally so that you can review change before submitting a pull request.

Install pelican and pyyaml with conda (or pip if you prefer)::

$ conda install pelican pyyaml

Clone the theme repository (make sure to use the mechmotum branch)::

$ git clone --branch mechmotum

Note the path to the theme, e.g.::


Clone the pelican-plugins repository::

$ git clone

Note the path to the plugins directory, e.g.::


Clone this repository and change into the new directory::

$ git clone $ cd me41055/

Create a configuration file called config.yml and add the full path to where you installed the theme::

$ echo "THEME_PATH: /home/my_username/.../pelican-alchemy/alchemy" > config.yml $ echo "PLUGIN_PATHS: /home/my_username/.../pelican-plugins" >> config.yml

Now you can build and serve the documentation with::

$ make devserver

If this succeeds you can open the website in your web browser at http://localhost:8000.

While the server is running you can change the website source files and they will be build automatically. Refresh your web browser to view the changes.

To stop the web server press <CTRL + C>.


These contents of this repository are licensed under the CC-BY 4.0 license.