moorepants / me41055

Course website for TU Delft's Multibody Dynamics B course
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Add some notes about homework submission #75

Closed moorepants closed 7 months ago

moorepants commented 1 year ago

This was an announcement in 2022:

There are some key things to know about the autograding system and your official submissions:

The homeworks will all be officially graded after 17:00 each Friday (due time).
You should have pressed the "Submit" button at least one time when you finish your work to ensure your homework will be officially graded.
You will not be able to edit your notebooks after 17:00 each Friday.
The state your homework notebook is in @ 17:00 on Friday is what is graded. For example, if you solve the homework days before the due date and press "Submit" and then modify the notebook after that, your modifications will be graded not the state at the earlier "Submit" button press.
Your grade may not show up in Brightspace, but it is logged in Vocareum and we will use that for the final grade calculations. We are getting help from Vocareum support on why not all grades are displaying in Brightspace.
moorepants commented 1 year ago

Also this:

For a small number of you the autograder is not displaying your grade when you press submit (HW2 & HW3). For HW2, due today, you should leave a complete working notebook in Vocareum even if it doesn't seem to grade. Make sure to press "Kernel->Restart & Run All" to ensure your entire notebook can be executed with no errors. We will grade these manually if needed. A support request has been opened with the company that runs the service.

moorepants commented 1 year ago

Also this:

For homeworks with manual grading (HW 10, 11, and maybe 12) it is essential that you execute "Kernel > Restart and Run All" from the menu before your final submission. In HW 10, we have several notebooks that don't fully execute for us because you likely forgot to ensure everything was defined in a fresh run through. Make sure to "Restart and Run All" before submitting. (it's also a nice way to catch bugs you might have in general)

  1. You are free to create more cells in your homework notebooks, just don't delete any of the cells we give you. It may be helpful to create intermediate cells to see outputs at different steps in your solution. You can create cells in the menu bar of the notebook.