mooseyboots / mastodon.el

Emacs client for Mastodon. moved to:
GNU General Public License v3.0
167 stars 27 forks source link
emacs mastodon ostatus

+OPTIONS: toc:nil

This is an updated version of the great but seemingly dormant mastodon client for emacs.

[The original readme is below.]

It adds the following features:

Profiles: display profile metadata fields display pinned toots first display relationship (follows you/followed by you) display toots/follows/followers counts links/tags/mentions in profile bios are active links show a lock icon for locked accounts =R=, =C-c a=, =C-c r= view/accept/reject follow requests =V= view your favorited toots =i= toggle pinning of toots =S-C-P= jump to your profile =U= update your profile bio note =O= jump to own profile Notifications: follow requests now also appear in notifications =a=, =r= accept/reject follow request notifications for when a user posts (=mastodon-tl--enable-notify-user-posts=) Timelines: =C= copy url of toot at point =d= delete your toot at point, and reload current timeline =D= delete and redraft toot at point, preserving reply/CW/visibility =W=, =M=, =B= (un)follow, (un)mute, (un)block author of toot at point =k=, =K= toggle bookmark of toot at point, view bookmarked toots display polls and vote on them images are links to the full image, can be zoomed/rotated/saved (see image keymap) images scale properly toot visibility (direct, followers only) icon appears in toot bylines display toot's number of favorites, boosts and replies customize option to cache images Toots: mention booster in replies by default replies preserve visibility status/CW of original toot autocompletion of user mentions, via =company-mode= (must be installed to work) =C-c C-a= media uploads, asynchronous media upload previews displayed in toot compose buffer =C-c C-n= and sensitive media/nsfw flag =C-c C-e= add emoji (if =emojify= installed) download and use your instance's custom emoji server's maximum toot length shown in toot compose buffer Search: =S= search (posts, users, tags) (NB: only posts you have interacted with are searched)

It also makes some small cosmetic changes to make timelines easier to read, and makes some functions asynchronous, based on

The minimum Emacs version is now 27.1. But if you are running an older version it shouldn't be very hard to get it working.

** live-updating timelines: =mastodon-async-mode=

(code taken from

Works for federated, local, and home timelines and for notifications. It's a little touchy, one thing to avoid is trying to load a timeline more than once at a time. It can go off the rails a bit, but it's still pretty cool.

To enable, it, add =(require 'mastodon-async)= to your =init.el=. Then you can view a timeline with one of the commands that begin with =mastodon-async--stream-=.

** NB: dependencies

This version depends on the library =request= (for uploading attachments). You can install it from MELPA, or It also depends on =seq=.

Optional dependencies are =company= for autocompletion of mentions when composing a toot, and =emojify= for inserting and viewing emojis.

** NB: bugs

This repo also incorporates fixes for two bugs that were never merged into the upstream repo:

** 2FA

It looks like 2-factor auth was never completed in the original repo. It's not a priority for me, auth ain't my thing. If you want to hack on it, its on the develop branch in the original repo.

** contributing

Contributions are welcome. Registration is disabled by default on the gitea instance, but if you are interested, get in touch with me on mastodon: [[][]]. Or just leave an issue on github.

For now, to get started with hacking, pull off the develop branch of the blast repo.

** Installation

Clone this repository and add the lisp directory to your load path. Then, require it and go.

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/mastodon.el/lisp")
(require 'mastodon)


Or, with =use-package=:

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(use-package mastodon :ensure t)



Add =MELPA= to your archives:

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)


Update and install:

=M-x package-refresh-contents RET=

=M-x package-install RET mastodon RET=

*** Emoji

=mastodon-mode= will enable [[][Emojify]] if it is loaded in your Emacs environment, so there's no need to write your own hook anymore. =emojify-mode= is not required.

*** Discover

=mastodon-mode= can provide a context menu for its keybindings if [[][Discover]] is installed. It is not required.

if you have Discover, add the following to your Emacs init configuration:

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(require 'mastodon-discover) (with-eval-after-load 'mastodon (mastodon-discover))


Or, with =use-package=:

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(use-package mastodon :ensure t :config (mastodon-discover))


** Usage *** 2 Factor Auth 2FA is not supported yet. It is in the [[][plans]] for the =1.0.0= release.

If you have 2FA enabled and try to use mastodon.el, your Emacs client will hang until you C-g your way out. *** Instance

Set =mastodon-instance-url= in your =.emacs= or =customize=. Defaults to the [[][flagship]].

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(setq mastodon-instance-url "https://my.instance.url")


There is an option to have your user credentials (email address and password) saved to disk so you don't have to re-enter them on every restart. The default is not to do this because if not properly configured it would save these unencrypted which is not a good default to have. Customize the variable =mastodon-auth-source-file= if you want to enable this feature.

*** Timelines

=M-x mastodon=

Opens a =mastodon-home= buffer in the major mode so you can see toots. You will be prompted for email and password. The app registration process will take place if your =mastodon-token-file= does not contain =:client_id= and =:client_secret=.

**** Keybindings

|-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------| | Key | Action | |-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------| | | /Help/ | | =?= | Open context menu if =discover= is available | | | /Timeline actions/ | | =n= | Go to next item (toot, notification) | | =p= | Go to previous item (toot, notification) | | =M-n=/== | Go to the next interesting thing that has an action | | =M-p=/== | Go to the previous interesting thing that has an action | | =u= | Update timeline | | =#= | Prompt for tag and open its timeline | | =A= | Open author profile of toot under =point= | | =F= | Open federated timeline | | =H= | Open home timeline | | =L= | Open local timeline | | =N= | Open notifications timeline | | =P= | Open profile of user attached to toot under =point= | | =T= | Open thread buffer for toot under =point= | | | /Toot actions/ | | =c= | Toggle content warning content | | =b= | Boost toot under =point= | | =f= | Favourite toot under =point= | | =r= | Reply to toot under =point= | | =n= | Compose a new toot | | | /Switching to other buffers/ | | | /Quitting/ | | =q= | Quit mastodon buffer, leave window open | | =Q= | Quit mastodon buffer and kill window | |-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------|

**** Legend

|--------+-------------------------| | Marker | Meaning | |--------+-------------------------| | =(B)= | I boosted this toot. | | =(F)= | I favourited this toot. | |--------+-------------------------|

*** Toot toot

=M-x mastodon-toot=

Pops a new buffer/window with a =mastodon-toot= minor mode. Enter the contents of your toot here. =C-c C-c= sends the toot. =C-c C-k= cancels. Both actions kill the buffer and window.

If you have not previously authenticated, you will be prompted for your account email and password. NOTE: Email and password are NOT stored by mastodon.el.

Authentication stores your access token in the =mastodon-auth--token= variable. It is not stored on your filesystem, so you will have to re-authenticate when you close/reopen Emacs.

**** Customization The default toot visibility can be changed by setting or customizing the =mastodon-toot--default-visibility= variable. Valid values are ="public"=, ="unlisted"=, ="private"=, or =direct=.

Toot visibility can also be changed on a per-toot basis from the new toot buffer.

**** Keybindings

|-----------+------------------------| | Key | Action | |-----------+------------------------| | =C-c C-c= | Send toot | | =C-c C-k= | Cancel toot | | =C-c C-w= | Add content warning | | =C-c C-v= | Change toot visibility | |-----------+------------------------|

** Roadmap

[[][Here]] are the features I plan to implement before putting mastodon.el on MELPA.

[[][Here]] are the plans I have for the =1.0.0= release.

** Contributing

PRs, issues, and feature requests are very welcome!

*** Features

  1. Create an [[][issue]] detailing the feature you'd like to add.
  2. Fork the repository and create a branch off of =develop=.
  3. Create a pull request referencing the issue created in step 1.

*** Fixes

  1. In an [[][issue]], let me know that you're working to fix it.
  2. Fork the repository and create a branch off of =develop=.
  3. Create a pull request referencing the issue from step 1.

** Connect

If you want to get in touch with me, give me a [[][toot]] or leave an [[][issue]].