moov-io / x12

[WIP] ASC X12 standards reader/writer
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moov-io/x12 is a Go library for parsing and generating Accredited Standards Committee X12 (ASC X12) documents. The goal is to support Electronic data interchange (EDI) Context Inspired Component Architecture (CICA) standards which support health care, insurance, transportation, finance, government, supply chains and many other industries.

Project status

The x12 is actively being developed for use in production systems. Please star the project if you are interested in its progress. If you need other ASC X12 formats, find bugs, have comments, or suggstions we would appreciate an issue or pull request. Thanks!

Go library

This project uses Go Modules and Go v1.19 or newer. See Golang's install instructions for help in setting up Go. You can download the source code and we offer tagged and released versions as well. We highly recommend you use a tagged release for production.


go get

Goal of the moov-io/x12 project

X12 defines and maintains transaction sets that establish the data content exchanged for specific business purposes. Transaction sets are identified by a numeric identifier and a name. Each transaction set is maintained by a subcommittee operating within X12’s Accredited Standards Committee.

Moov-io/x12 project will support some kinds of x12 transaction sets

To support these transaction sets, x12 project used following data unit

Any x12 transaction set will describe as structured data units with leveled order Above data hierarchy, we can see that loop has nested sub-loop Of course each x12 transaction will have different structured data units (loop structure and segments of transaction set)

How to specify structured data units according to x12 transaction type? How to support specification of x12 transaction with above general data units?

Moov-io/x12 has rule feature to fix above problems. Each interchange will perform validation check based on specified rule

Define your rule

Currently, we support following rules for :

We can specify rule using some kinds of rule struts.


type InterchangeRule struct {
    Name  string
    ISA   SegmentRule
    IEA   SegmentRule
    Group GroupRule

Interchange rule defined details of control header.


type GroupRule struct {
    GS    SegmentRule
    GE    SegmentRule
    Trans TransactionRule

Group rule defined details of group header.


type TransactionRule struct {
    ST       SegmentRule
    SE       SegmentRule
    Loops    LoopSetRule
    Segments SegmentSetRule

Transaction rule defined details of transaction set. Loops is ordered nested loop list. order is index of rule map.


type LoopSetRule map[int]LoopRule

type LoopRule struct {
    Segments    SegmentSetRule
    Mask        string
    RepeatCount int
    Name        string
    Composite   LoopSetRule

Loop rule defined details of loop. Mask is to specify loop's ability such as required, optional, non-used. If the mask option is omitted, will deal as required. RepeatCount is to specify how many times repeat the loop If the RepeatCount option is omitted, will deal as RepeatCount=1. Composite is ordered nested sub loops.


type SegmentSetRule map[int]SegmentRule

type SegmentRule struct {
    Elements    ElementSetRule
    Mask        string
    RepeatCount int
    Name        string
    Description string

Mask and repeat count are same as loop's mask and repeat count Elements is ordered fields


type ElementSetRule map[string]ElementRule

type ElementRule struct {
    Mask         string
    Name         string
    AcceptValues []string
    Composite    ElementSetRule

Mask and repeat count are same as loop's mask and repeat count. Composite is ordered nested fields. Accept values is to specify available values that can use the field.

Element's mask is a bit different from segment and loop. Each segment has a real struct such as IEA, ISA, GS, etc. Field of segment is omitted field or required field (check out with json, xml tag). If the mask option of element rule is omitted, will use original field's property (omitted field or required field).

Rule example

import ""

var InterchangeRule = rules.InterchangeRule{
    Name: "EPN STP 820",
    ISA: rules.SegmentRule{
        Name:        "ISA",
        Description: "INTERCHANGE CONTROL HEADER",
        Mask:        rules.MASK_REQUIRED,
        Elements: rules.ElementSetRule{
            "01": {AcceptValues: []string{"00"}},
            "03": {AcceptValues: []string{"00"}},
            "05": {AcceptValues: []string{"01", "14", "17", "30"}},
            "07": {AcceptValues: []string{"01", "14", "17", "30"}},
            "11": {AcceptValues: []string{"U"}},
            "12": {AcceptValues: []string{"00401"}},
            "14": {AcceptValues: []string{"0"}},
            "15": {AcceptValues: []string{"P"}},
            "16": {AcceptValues: []string{"~"}},
    IEA: rules.SegmentRule{
        Name:        "IEA",
        Mask:        rules.MASK_REQUIRED,
        Elements:    rules.ElementSetRule{},
    Group: rules.GroupRule{
        GS: rules.SegmentRule{
            Name:        "GS",
            Description: "FUNCTIONAL GROUP HEADER",
            Mask:        rules.MASK_REQUIRED,
            Elements: rules.ElementSetRule{
                "01": {AcceptValues: []string{"RA"}},
                "07": {AcceptValues: []string{"X"}},
                "08": {AcceptValues: []string{"004010STP820"}},
        GE: rules.SegmentRule{
            Name:        "GE",
            Description: "FUNCTIONAL GROUP TRAILER",
            Mask:        rules.MASK_REQUIRED,
            Elements:    rules.ElementSetRule{},
        Trans: rules.TransactionRule{
            ST: rules.SegmentRule{
                Name:        "ST",
                Description: "TRANSACTION SET HEADER",
                Mask:        rules.MASK_REQUIRED,
                Elements: rules.ElementSetRule{
                    "01": {AcceptValues: []string{"820"}},
                    "02": {Mask: rules.MASK_REQUIRED},
                    "03": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
            Segments: rules.SegmentSetRule{
                0: rules.SegmentRule{
                    Name:        "BPR",
                    Description: "Beginning Segment for Payment Order/Remittance Advice",
                    Mask:        rules.MASK_REQUIRED,
                    Elements: rules.ElementSetRule{
                        "01": {Mask: rules.MASK_REQUIRED, AcceptValues: []string{"C"}},
                        "02": {Mask: rules.MASK_REQUIRED},
                        "03": {Mask: rules.MASK_REQUIRED, AcceptValues: []string{"C"}},
                        "04": {Mask: rules.MASK_REQUIRED, AcceptValues: []string{"ACH"}},
                        "05": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL, AcceptValues: []string{"CTX"}},
                        "06": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL, AcceptValues: []string{"01"}},
                        "07": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                        "08": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL, AcceptValues: []string{"DA"}},
                        "09": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                        "10": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                        "11": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                        "12": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL, AcceptValues: []string{"01"}},
                        "13": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                        "14": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL, AcceptValues: []string{"DA"}},
                        "15": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                        "16": {Mask: rules.MASK_REQUIRED},
                        "17": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                        "18": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                        "19": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                        "20": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                        "21": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                1: rules.SegmentRule{
                    Name:        "TRN",
                    Description: "Trace",
                    Mask:        rules.MASK_REQUIRED,
                    Elements: rules.ElementSetRule{
                        "01": {Mask: rules.MASK_REQUIRED, AcceptValues: []string{"1"}},
                        "02": {Mask: rules.MASK_REQUIRED},
                        "03": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                        "04": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                2: rules.SegmentRule{
                    Name:        "NM1",
                    Description: "Originator Name Identification",
                    Mask:        rules.MASK_REQUIRED,
                    Elements: rules.ElementSetRule{
                        "01": {Mask: rules.MASK_REQUIRED, AcceptValues: []string{"PR"}},
                        "02": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                        "03": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL, AcceptValues: []string{"91"}},
                        "04": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                        "05": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                        "06": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                        "07": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                        "08": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                        "09": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                3: rules.SegmentRule{
                    Name:        "NM1",
                    Description: "Receiver Name Identification",
                    Mask:        rules.MASK_REQUIRED,
                    Elements: rules.ElementSetRule{
                        "01": {Mask: rules.MASK_REQUIRED, AcceptValues: []string{"PE"}},
                        "02": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                        "03": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                        "04": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                        "05": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                        "06": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                        "07": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                        "08": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                        "09": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
            SE: rules.SegmentRule{
                Name:        "SE",
                Description: "TRANSACTION SET TRAILER",
                Mask:        rules.MASK_REQUIRED,
                Elements:    rules.ElementSetRule{},
            Loops: map[int]rules.LoopRule{
                0: {
                    Segments: rules.SegmentSetRule{
                        0: rules.SegmentRule{
                            Name:        "ENT",
                            Description: "Entity",
                            Mask:        rules.MASK_OPTIONAL,
                            Elements: rules.ElementSetRule{
                                "01": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                                "02": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                                "03": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                                "04": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                        1: rules.SegmentRule{
                            Name:        "RMR",
                            Description: "Remittance Advice Accounts Receivable Open Item Reference",
                            Mask:        rules.MASK_REQUIRED,
                            Elements: rules.ElementSetRule{
                                "01": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL, AcceptValues: []string{"IV", "PO", "R7"}},
                                "02": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                                "03": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                                "04": {Mask: rules.MASK_REQUIRED},
                                "05": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                                "06": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                        2: rules.SegmentRule{
                            Name:        "REF",
                            Description: "Reference Identification",
                            Mask:        rules.MASK_OPTIONAL,
                            RepeatCount: rules.GREATER_THAN_ONE,
                            Elements: rules.ElementSetRule{
                                "01": {Mask: rules.MASK_REQUIRED, AcceptValues: []string{"BM", "PO", "R7", "VV"}},
                                "02": {Mask: rules.MASK_REQUIRED},
                        3: rules.SegmentRule{
                            Name:        "DTM",
                            Description: "INDIVIDUAL COVERAGE PERIOD",
                            Mask:        rules.MASK_OPTIONAL,
                            Elements: rules.ElementSetRule{
                                "01": {Mask: rules.MASK_REQUIRED, AcceptValues: []string{"003", "004", "092"}},
                                "02": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                                "03": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                                "04": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                                "05": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                                "06": {Mask: rules.MASK_NOTUSED},
                        4: rules.SegmentRule{
                            Name:        "ADX",
                            Description: "Adjustment",
                            Mask:        rules.MASK_OPTIONAL,
                            Elements: rules.ElementSetRule{
                                "01": {Mask: rules.MASK_REQUIRED},
                                "02": {Mask: rules.MASK_REQUIRED, AcceptValues: []string{"01", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "11", "12", "59", "75", "81", "CM"}},
                                "03": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                                "04": {Mask: rules.MASK_OPTIONAL},
                    Mask:        rules.MASK_OPTIONAL,
                    Name:        "Detail",
                    RepeatCount: rules.GREATER_THAN_ONE,

In above rule, transaction set should have ST, BPR, TRN, NM1, NM1, SE, and can have rules


User should create interchange, group, transaction, segments.

    isa := segments.ISA{
        AuthorizationQualifier:    "00",
        AuthorizationInformation:  " ",
        SecurityQualifier:         "00",
        SecurityInformation:       " ",
        SenderQualifier:           "30",
        SenderId:                  "227777777 ",
        ReceiverQualifier:         "14",
        ReceiverId:                "577777777 ",
        Date:                      "120530",
        Time:                      "1144",
        StandardsId:               "U",
        Version:                   "00401",
        InterchangeControlNumber:  "000000001",
        AcknowledgmentRequested:   "0",
        TestIndicator:             "P",
        ComponentElementSeparator: "~",

    iea := segments.IEA{}
    iea.SetFieldByIndex("01", "1")
    iea.SetFieldByIndex("02", "000000001")

    gs := segments.GS{}
    gs.SetFieldByIndex("01", "RA")
    gs.SetFieldByIndex("02", "227777777")
    gs.SetFieldByIndex("03", "577777777")
    gs.SetFieldByIndex("04", "20120530")
    gs.SetFieldByIndex("05", "1144")
    gs.SetFieldByIndex("06", "1")
    gs.SetFieldByIndex("07", "X")
    gs.SetFieldByIndex("08", "004010")

    ge := segments.GE{}
    ge.SetFieldByIndex("01", "1")
    ge.SetFieldByIndex("02", "1")

    st := segments.ST{}
    st.SetFieldByIndex("01", "820")
    st.SetFieldByIndex("02", "0001")

    se := segments.SE{}
    se.SetFieldByIndex("01", "6")
    se.SetFieldByIndex("02", "0001")

    bpr := segments.BPR{}
    bpr.SetFieldByIndex("01", "C")
    bpr.SetFieldByIndex("02", "7989.73")
    bpr.SetFieldByIndex("03", "C")
    bpr.SetFieldByIndex("04", "ACH")
    bpr.SetFieldByIndex("05", "CTX")
    bpr.SetFieldByIndex("10", "1657777777")
    bpr.SetFieldByIndex("12", "01")
    bpr.SetFieldByIndex("13", "148529553")
    bpr.SetFieldByIndex("14", "DA")
    bpr.SetFieldByIndex("15", "92283334")
    bpr.SetFieldByIndex("16", "20120531")

    trn := segments.TRN{}
    trn.SetFieldByIndex("01", "1")
    trn.SetFieldByIndex("02", "12053011440000192")

    n11 := segments.N1{}
    n11.SetFieldByIndex("01", "PR")
    n11.SetFieldByIndex("02", "YOUR COMPANY")
    n11.SetFieldByIndex("03", "91")
    n11.SetFieldByIndex("04", "227777777")

    n12 := segments.N1{}
    n12.SetFieldByIndex("01", "PE")
    n12.SetFieldByIndex("02", "WALMART")

    newInterchange := file.Interchange{
        ISA: isa,
        IEA: &iea,
        FunctionalGroups: []file.FunctionalGroup{
                GS: gs,
                GE: &ge,
                TransactionSets: []file.TransactionSet{
                        ST:       st,
                        SE:       &se,
                        Segments: []segments.SegmentInterface{&bpr, &trn, &n11, &n12},

    copyRule := rule_stp_820.InterchangeRule
    if err := newInterchange.Validate(&copyRule); err != nil {

    raw := `ISA*00* *00* *30*227777777 *14*577777777 *120530*1144*U*00401*000000001*0*P*~\GS*RA*227777777*577777777*20120530*1144*1*X*004010\ST*820*0001\BPR*C*7989.73*C*ACH*CTX*****1657777777**01*148529553*DA*92283334*20120531\TRN*1*12053011440000192\N1*PR*YOUR COMPANY*91*227777777\N1*PE*WALMART\SE*6*0001\GE*1*1\IEA*1*000000001\`
    if newInterchange.String(segmentTerminator) != raw {
        fmt.Println("invalid string")

We need to know hierarchy of file, interchange or rule when editing new interchange.

Please use Print() function to verify edited interchange or target rule structure

func (f File) Print(w io.Writer)

func (r Interchange) Print(w io.Writer)

func (r InterchangeRule) Print(w io.Writer, isRequiredOnly bool)

File print example


INDEX:    | 00 | 01       | 02       | 03      | 04  | 05        | 06 | 07        | 08    | 09  | 10 | 11   | 12       | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
ISA       |00  |          |00        |         |30   |227777777  |14  |577777777  |120530 |1144 |U   |00401 |000000001 |0   |P   |~   |\   |
 GS       |RA  |227777777 |577777777 |20120530 |1144 |1          |X   |004010     |\      |     |    |      |          |    |    |    |    |
  ST      |820 |0001      |          |\        |     |           |    |           |       |     |    |      |          |    |    |    |    |
   Detail |    |          |          |         |     |           |    |           |       |     |    |      |          |    |    |    |    |
    ENT   |1   |          |          |         |\    |           |    |           |       |     |    |      |          |    |    |    |    |
    RMR   |IV  |7321239   |          |953.19   |     |           |\   |           |       |     |    |      |          |    |    |    |    |
    REF   |PO  |24305     |          |\        |     |           |    |           |       |     |    |      |          |    |    |    |    |
   Detail |    |          |          |         |     |           |    |           |       |     |    |      |          |    |    |    |    |
    RMR   |IV  |7321511   |          |7036.54  |     |           |\   |           |       |     |    |      |          |    |    |    |    |
    REF   |PO  |24333     |          |\        |     |           |    |           |       |     |    |      |          |    |    |    |    |
  SE      |11  |0001      |\         |         |     |           |    |           |       |     |    |      |          |    |    |    |    |
 GE       |1   |1         |\         |         |     |           |    |           |       |     |    |      |          |    |    |    |    |
IEA       |1   |000000001 |\         |         |     |           |    |           |       |     |    |      |          |    |    |    |    |

Rule print example


Segments & Rules Structure: | Usage   | Repeat Count | Description                                              |
ISA                         |REQUIRED |1             |INTERCHANGE CONTROL HEADER                                |
 GS                         |REQUIRED |1             |FUNCTIONAL GROUP HEADER                                   |
  ST                        |REQUIRED |1             |TRANSACTION SET HEADER                                    |
  BPR                       |REQUIRED |1             |Beginning Segment for Payment Order/Remittance Advice     |
  TRN                       |REQUIRED |1             |Trace                                                     |
  N1                        |REQUIRED |1             |Originator Name Identification                            |
  N1                        |REQUIRED |1             |Receiver Name Identification                              |
   Detail                   |OPTIONAL |>1            |                                                          |
    ENT                     |OPTIONAL |1             |Entity                                                    |
    RMR                     |REQUIRED |1             |Remittance Advice Accounts Receivable Open Item Reference |
    REF                     |OPTIONAL |>1            |Reference Identification                                  |
    DTM                     |OPTIONAL |1             |INDIVIDUAL COVERAGE PERIOD                                |
    ADX                     |OPTIONAL |1             |Adjustment                                                |
  SE                        |REQUIRED |1             |TRANSACTION SET TRAILER                                   |
 GE                         |REQUIRED |1             |FUNCTIONAL GROUP TRAILER                                  |
IEA                         |REQUIRED |1             |INTERCHANGE CONTROL TRAILER                               |

Rule print example with RequiredOnly option


Segments & Rules Structure: | Usage   | Repeat Count | Description                                          |
ISA                         |REQUIRED |1             |INTERCHANGE CONTROL HEADER                            |
 GS                         |REQUIRED |1             |FUNCTIONAL GROUP HEADER                               |
  ST                        |REQUIRED |1             |TRANSACTION SET HEADER                                |
  BPR                       |REQUIRED |1             |Beginning Segment for Payment Order/Remittance Advice |
  TRN                       |REQUIRED |1             |Trace                                                 |
  N1                        |REQUIRED |1             |Originator Name Identification                        |
  N1                        |REQUIRED |1             |Receiver Name Identification                          |
  SE                        |REQUIRED |1             |TRANSACTION SET TRAILER                               |
 GE                         |REQUIRED |1             |FUNCTIONAL GROUP TRAILER                              |
IEA                         |REQUIRED |1             |INTERCHANGE CONTROL TRAILER                           |

Checkout the Go methods available for full details.

Error Messages

X12 project used 2 error styles for parsing logic. First style used when getting error on any segment inside composite loop or loop, second type used for normal segment

X12 project used 2 error styles for validating logic. First style used when getting validate error on any segment inside composite loop or loop, second type used for normal segment

  segment(amt) don't accept specified rule(tds), please verify segment orders or has dirty segments as previous segment

Further Reading

Getting help

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Apache License 2.0 - See LICENSE for details.