mora-resource-allocation-edge-cloud / mora

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The following document could be outdated. Please refer to the wiki for further information

What is this repository



The (fake) video service provider

The video service provider consists of a MVC-based architecture with:

  1. An API Gateway
  2. A video management service (vms) responsible for the metadata of available video and for the HTTP/REST management of the service
  3. A Mongo DB to store video metadata and authentication data
  4. Two volumes: one for the raw videos and one for the encoded ones
  5. A video processing service (vps) that encode the video using a strategy depending on the running variant of the video service (see below)
  6. Kafka as a message broker to make communication between the vms and the vps


The fake video service service provider exploits the service elasticity mechanism as exposed in Araldo et al. allowing multiple behavior of the system to be configured based on some initial configuration settings. The system is thought in order to enable Cloud-Edge offloading: the complete system is deployed on the Cloud. Instal, a partial system, can be deployed in a Edge computing scenario, so that some of the computation needed can be performed by the Edge computing nodes and "forwarded" to the cloud only when needed. We remind to reading at the paper above.

The deployment of the different configuration of the system is implemented for Kubernetes and OpenShift by exploiting helm v3.

In particular, available variants for the deployment of the fake video service provider are:

-1. Cloud Variant: the complete system that doesn't need anything else to run. All othees variants will have to refer one cloud variant deployment in order to work correctly; this represent the system that should be deployed at the cloud.

  1. Cache-only variant: it doesn't deploy Kafka and the vps. It's capable of only replying to GET requests. When a request for a video (to watch) comes to a deployment of this variant, the (cache-only) vms will check if the video metadata are available in a capped collection of its mongodb. If metadata are available (hit), the (cache-only) vms will reply with the URI for the video to be get from the cache-only variant itself. Otherwise (miss), the reply will be a redirect to the Cloud variant. A thread will be spawn to cache the Video requested in order to be ble to provide it during the next request in a LRU fashion.
  2. Offline encoding variant: if adds to the previous cache-only variant, the deployment of the VPS and kafka. In this case, the download of the previous point is done of the raw representation of the video. The encoding of the video copy will be in the business of this variant, when a request concluded with a miss.
  3. Online encoding variant: as in the offline encoding variant, a miss leads to the download of the raw representation of the video. In this case, however, the encoding of the video is not persisted on the disk but is provided online when requests for that video come.

illustration - Cloud only

Management of requests between the cloud and the edge

In order to allow users to reach the Cloud or the Edge transparently (i.e., without giving him any knowledge of the actual uris to use), a principle similar to the one offered by the Netflix OpenConnect appliances is used. A Load balancer at the Edge is able to redirect the users to the internal (at the edge) micro-service or the Cloud service by setting parameters as the maximum number of concurrent users that can be served by the Edge.

How to clone the project?

    git clone --recursive

Deployment with helm

Set your values.yaml file (look at variants/*.yml and helm/vp-cloud/values.yaml) and, after the configuration of the Kuberntes/Openshift env:

helm install vp-cloud -f variants/values.cache-variant.yaml --generate-name --disable-openapi-validation

The last option is needed beacause some of the OpenShift objects are not part of the OpenApi specifications.

OpenShift or Kubernetes

If you deploy on Kubernetes you have to set in the values.yaml:

isOpenShift: false

If you deploy on Minikube also set isMinikube: true.

Load Generation and metrics collection

The load generator is available at /load-generator.

Its Dockerfiles are dev.Dockerfile (for development) and Dockerfile (for actual use).

The code is written in Go and its configuration can be provided as environment variables. Look at the following snippet and define your dotenv file with the variables you need to change.

var (
    ServiceUrl          = getEnvString("SERVICE_URL", "")
    ZipfS               = getEnvFloat64("ZIPF_S", 1.01)
    ZipfV               = getEnvFloat64("ZIPF_V", 1)
    ExpLambda           = getEnvFloat64("EXP_AVG", 0.1) // Average requests per second
    PostMetricsEndPoint = getEnvString("POST_METRICS_ENDPOINT",
    ClientUrl           = getEnvString("CLIENT_URL",
    MaxExecutionTime     = getEnvInt64("MAX_TIME_PER_REQUEST", 900)
    MaxExposedPorts     = getEnvInt64("MAX_EXPOSED_PORTS", 1000)

The load generator consumes from a queue tasks to play the videos with the Go chrome driver. It also can be set to expose a subset of the generated tasks over the chrome remote debug protocol: just set the MaxExposedPorts to a value greater than 0.

Building and running the Load Generator

Two dockerfile are available:

Example of commands to build the dev load generator:

    cd load-generator/
    docker build -t aleskandro/mora-load-generator:debug-latest . -f loadgen-chrome.Dockerfile  # Build the container
    docker run -p 9222-9350 -it -v $(pwd):/go/src/load-generator aleskandro/mora-load-generator:debug-latest bash 

Metrics collector

/metrics-collector contains a file to be run in order to get:

  1. a Mongo database to store metrics
  2. The API to be used by the video client to reach the mongo storage and ask for saving the metrics
  3. The HTML/JS client to play videos (as a user or by the load generator capabilities)


    docker-compose -f up -d
   IMAGE                               COMMAND                  PORTS                      NAMES
   aleskandro/mora-dash-client         "/docker-entrypoint.…">80/tcp       vmc_nginx-dash-client_1
   mongo                               "docker-entrypoint.s…">27017/tcp   vmc_mongo_1
   aleskandro/mora-metrics-collector   "./service"    >8080/tcp     vmc_collector_1


The file docker-compose.yml is useful for development purposes.

It will build the containers and will use volumes to mount the code within them.

For the Golang micro-service it will also generate the swagger documentation and support live-reloading when code changes.


Acknowledgements and contributors