Welcome to YONDE! This app allows you to send messages to your favorite All Night Nippon radio programs and segments. It's a simple process—just select your preferred program and segment, compose your email, and submit it following the specific guidelines of the program. Please note that this app is not officially affiliated with the Nippon Broadcasting System.
Sign up for a guest user
Email: example@sample.com
Password: password12
Having been a dedicated radio listener for over two decades, I believe that the heart of radio programs often lies within the listener's emails. Every program has its loyal listeners, and their emails are frequently read out on air. However, when a program goes through changes or introduces a new host, fans might find themselves submitting their "first email."
For both seasoned contributors and first-time submitters, YONDE offers a solution. It serves as a filing system for organizing email drafts and provides guidance to newcomers. My hope is that this app can increase the number of listener email submissions, which in turn, brings in more engagement to these programs.
Here are some of the challenges listeners face when submitting their emails to ANN:
Specific program instructions:
Manual email creation:
Repeated copying and pasting:
Risk of submission deviations:
These challenges often make the submission process complex while increasing the risk of emails being rejected.
Objective: Simplify the email submission process for listeners.
Segment Selection: YONDE empowers users to compose emails in line with program guidelines by completing a simple form. It allows users to choose the segment name, which then automatically populates the subject line, thus ensuring compliance with program guidelines.
Content Templates: The app enables users to save frequently used content, such as radio names and prefectures, hence streamlining the submission process and reducing repetition.
Default Information: YONDE offers a feature to record default information that will be automatically included in every email submission. This ensures consistency and adherence to program instructions.
With these features, our aim is to make email submissions to All Night Nippon radio programs a breeze, whether you're a long-time contributor or a first-time sender.
In progress
In progress
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%% Generated by "Rails Mermaid ERD"
%% https://github.com/koedame/rails-mermaid_erd
%% Restore Hash: #eyJzZWxlY3RNb2RlbHMiOlsiUG9zdCIsIlByb2ZpbGUiLCJQcm9ncmFtIiwiU2VnbWVudCIsIlVzZXIiXSwiaXNQcmV2aWV3UmVsYXRpb25zIjpmYWxzZSwiaXNTaG93UmVsYXRpb25Db21tZW50IjpmYWxzZSwiaXNTaG93S2V5IjpmYWxzZSwiaXNTaG93Q29tbWVudCI6ZmFsc2UsImlzSGlkZUNvbHVtbnMiOmZhbHNlfQ==
%% --------------------------------------------------------
%% table name: posts
Post {
integer id
string prefecture
string city
string radio_name
string zip_code
string other_address
string legal_name
string favorite_status
string post_status
text body
integer user_id
datetime created_at
datetime updated_at
integer segment_id
string phone
string residence_prefecture
string residence_city
%% table name: profiles
Profile {
integer id
string prefecture
string city
string radio_name
string zip_code
string other_address
string legal_name
integer user_id
datetime created_at
datetime updated_at
string phone
string residence_prefecture
string residence_city
%% table name: programs
Program {
integer id
string program
string personality
string email
string image_url
string official_site
string day
string starting_time
string program_status
datetime created_at
datetime updated_at
%% table name: segments
Segment {
integer id
string segment_title
string segment_status
string segment_title_for_email
text instruction
text official_site_instruction
string default_sentence
string novelty_goods
integer program_id
datetime created_at
datetime updated_at
%% table name: users
User {
integer id
string email
string encrypted_password
string provider
string uid
string reset_password_token
datetime reset_password_sent_at
datetime remember_created_at
integer sign_in_count
datetime current_sign_in_at
datetime last_sign_in_at
string current_sign_in_ip
string last_sign_in_ip
string confirmation_token
datetime confirmed_at
datetime confirmation_sent_at
string unconfirmed_email
integer failed_attempts
string unlock_token
datetime locked_at
datetime created_at
datetime updated_at
datetime deleted_at
string oauth_token
datetime oauth_expires_at
Post }o--|| User : ""
Post }o--|| Segment : ""
Profile |o--|| User : ""
Program ||--o{ Segment : ""
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