moripiri / DiverseRL

(Yet another) Reinforcement Learning repository that aims to implement and benchmark various RL algorithms
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deep-reinforcement-learning gymnasium pytorch reinforcement-learning


DiverseRL is a repository that aims to implement and benchmark reinforcement learning algorithms.

This repo aims to implement algorithms of various sub-topics in RL (e.g. model-based RL, offline RL), in wide variety of environments.



You can install the requirements by using Poetry.

git clone
cd DiverseRL

poetry install


Currently, the following algorithms are available.

Model-free Deep RL

Model-free Deep RL algorithms are set of algorithms that can train environments with state-based observations without model.

Pixel RL

Pixel RL contains set of algorithms that are set to train environments with high-dimensional images as observations, Such as Atari 2600 and dm-control.

Classic RL

Classic RL algorithms that are mostly known by Sutton's Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. Can be trained in Gymnasium's toy text environments.

Getting Started

Training requires two gymnasium environments(for training and evaluation), algorithm, and trainer.

from diverserl.algos import DQN
from diverserl.trainers import DeepRLTrainer
from diverserl.common.utils import make_envs

env, eval_env = make_envs(env_id='CartPole-v1')

algo = DQN(env=env, eval_env=eval_env, **config)

trainer = DeepRLTrainer(

Or you use hydra by running

python env=gym_classic_control algo=dqn trainer=deeprl_trainer algo.device=cuda trainer.max_step=10000