morlay / angular-mobile-ui

[DEPRECATED] UI Kits for PhoneGap or Mobile Web App
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Angular Mobile UI

UI Kits for PhoneGap or Mobile Web App

Base Libs & Styles

All above use bower for install by $ bower install


How To

after all envi installed, you can use CLI for task

  1. $ npm install and $ bower install for base modules and libs (must first).
  2. $ grunt package for package all statics to the dist for web.
  3. $ grunt cordova.init for create phonegap 3.0+ path.
  4. $ grunt cordova.add.plugins for add plugins by misc/cordova/plugins.json.
  5. $ grunt package.cordova for package all statics to the dist for phonegap app. (step.3 must be first)
  6. $ grunt prepare for that copy base files to the dist.
  7. $ grunt for local host at (if modify grunt/task.js to make default with the server.mode, it will host at by express.js)
  8. $ grunt watch for that when you modify the file in src, task will run itself to refresh the statics for showing new.

Dev Docs

Soon ……