morpheuslord / QuadraInspect

QuadraInspect is an Android framework that integrates AndroPass, APKUtil, and MobFS, providing a powerful tool for analyzing the security of Android applications.
MIT License
339 stars 51 forks source link
android android-framework android-hacking android-hacking-tools apk apk-analysis apk-analyzer


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The security of mobile devices has become a critical concern due to the increasing amount of sensitive data being stored on them. With the rise of Android OS as the most popular mobile platform, the need for effective tools to assess its security has also increased. In response to this need, a new Android framework has emerged that combines three powerful tools - AndroPass, APKUtil, RMS, and MobFS - to conduct comprehensive vulnerability analysis of Android applications. This framework is known as QuadraInspect.

QuadraInspect is an Android framework that integrates AndroPass, APKUtil, RMS and MobFS, providing a powerful tool for analyzing the security of Android applications. AndroPass is a tool that focuses on analyzing the security of Android applications' authentication and authorization mechanisms, while APKUtil is a tool that extracts valuable information from an APK file. Lastly, MobFS and RMS facilitates the analysis of an application's filesystem by mounting its storage in a virtual environment.

By combining these three tools, QuadraInspect provides a comprehensive approach to vulnerability analysis of Android applications. This framework can be used by developers, security researchers, and penetration testers to assess the security of their own or third-party applications. QuadraInspect provides a unified interface for all three tools, making it easier to use and reducing the time required to conduct comprehensive vulnerability analysis. Ultimately, this framework aims to increase the security of Android applications and protect users' sensitive data from potential threats.



Install python3.10 on ubuntu or other linux

To install the tools you need to: First : git clone

Second Open a Administrative cmd or powershell (for Mobfs setup) and run :

pip install -r requirements.txt && python


sudo pip3.10 install -r requirements.txt && sudo python3.10

Third : Once QuadraInspect loads run this command QuadraInspect Main>> : START install_tools

The tools will be downloaded to the tools directory and also the and setup.bat commands will run automatically for the complete installation.


The addins are for the community to edit. Anyone who is intrested can add new tools by editing the config/ file and the tools and all the perticular configurations necessary for the smooth installation of the program.

As of now there is one additional tool called APKEditor mentioned in the addins. You can install that from the START addins command and needs java RTE to run


Each module has a help function so that the commands and the discriptions are detailed and can be altered for operation.

OS and modes

These are the key points that must be addressed for smooth working:


There are 2 modes:

└─> F mode
└─> A mode

F mode

The f mode is a mode where you get the active interface for using the interactive vaerion of the framework with the prompt, etc.


F mode is the normal mode and can be used easily

A mode

A mode or argumentative mode takes the input via arguments and runs the commands without any intervention by the user this is limited to the main menu in the future i am planning to extend this feature to even the encorporated codes.

python --target <APK_file> --mode a --command install_tools/tools_name/apkleaks/mobfs/rms/apkleaks


Main Module

the main menu of the entire tool has these options and commands:

Frame mode: Command Discription
SET target SET the name of the targetfile
START install_tools If not installed this will install the tools
LIST tools_name List out the Tools Intigrated
START apkleaks Use APKLeaks tool
START mobfs Use MOBfs for dynamic and static analysis
START andropass Use AndroPass APK analizer
START addins Starts the Extra tools installer
update addins Updates the extra tools installer
help Display help menu
SHOW banner Display banner
quit Quit the program
Args mode: Command Discription
install_tools If not installed this will install the tools
tools_name List out the Tools Intigrated
apkleaks Use APKLeaks tool
mobfs Use MOBfs for dynamic and static analysis
andropass Use AndroPass APK analizer
addins Starts the Extra tools installer
addins Updates the extra tools installer
help Display help menu
banner Display banner

As mentioned above the target must be set before any tool is used.

Apkleaks menu

The APKLeaks menu is also really straight forward and only a few things to consider:

SET output Output for the scan data file name
SET arguments Additional Disassembly arguments
SET json-out JSON output file name
SET pattern The pre-searching pattern for secrets
help Displays help menu
return Return to main menu
quit Quit the tool


Mobfs is pritty straight forward only the port number must be taken care of which is by default on port 5000 you just need to start the program and connect to it on over your browser.


AndroPass is also really straight forward it just takes the file as input and does its job without any other inputs.


The APK analysis framework will follow a modular architecture, similar to Metasploit. It will consist of the following modules:

Adding more

Currentluy there only 3 but if wanted people can add more tools to this these are the things to be considered:

Installer Function

Seperate tool function

Main Function

If wanted you could do your upgrades and add it to this repository for more people to use kind of growing this tool.


Still under development


Anyone can contribute. I want this tool to be useful for as many people as possible. If anyone wants to contribute please feel free to. One way you can contribute is by adding your tools or tools you feel like can add value to the code and the complete framework.