morris / vinyl-ftp

Blazing fast vinyl adapter for FTP
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Not uploading when on a sequence task #100

Open nunospot opened 7 years ago

nunospot commented 7 years ago


I have two separate tasks, one to only deploy, and another to compile and deploy. The task that only deploy is working, but that task that compile and deploy is not.

For the compile and deploy task, i'm running gulp-sequence, to make sure to compile and then deploy.

Here are the gulp tasks:

gulp.task('deploy-dev', function () {
    //Docs -
    const conn = ftp.create({
        host: '**************',
        user: '*********',
        password: '**********',
        parallel: 10,
        reload: true

    const globs = [

    const themepath = '**********';

    return gulp.src(globs, {
            base: 'dist-dev/',
            buffer: false

gulp.task('dev', function (callback) {
    gulpSequence(['styles', 'scripts'], 'dist-dev', 'deploy-dev')(callback)

I tried to make the dist-dev a dependent task to deploy-dev but it didn't to the job too.

I'm missing something?

Thank you