morris / vinyl-ftp

Blazing fast vinyl adapter for FTP
388 stars 31 forks source link
deployment ftp gulp vinyl


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Blazing fast vinyl adapter for FTP. Supports parallel transfers, conditional transfers, buffered or streamed files, and more. Often performs better than your favorite desktop FTP client.


Nice and gulpy deployment task:

var gulp = require( 'gulp' );
var gutil = require( 'gulp-util' );
var ftp = require( 'vinyl-ftp' );

gulp.task( 'deploy', function () {

    var conn = ftp.create( {
        host:     'mywebsite.tld',
        user:     'me',
        password: 'mypass',
        parallel: 10,
        log:      gutil.log
    } );

    var globs = [

    // using base = '.' will transfer everything to /public_html correctly
    // turn off buffering in gulp.src for best performance

    return gulp.src( globs, { base: '.', buffer: false } )
        .pipe( conn.newer( '/public_html' ) ) // only upload newer files
        .pipe( conn.dest( '/public_html' ) );

} );

Without Gulp:

var fs = require( 'vinyl-fs' );
var ftp = require( 'vinyl-ftp' );

var conn = new ftp( /* ... */ );

fs.src( [ './src/**' ], { buffer: false } )
    .pipe( conn.dest( '/dst' ) );

Remember not to push FTP credentials to public repos!


var ftp = require( 'vinyl-ftp' )

ftp.create( config )

Return a new vinyl-ftp instance with the given config. Config options:

You can override parallel and reload per stream in their options.

var conn = ftp.create( config )

conn.src( globs[, options] ) STREAM

Returns a vinyl file stream that emits remote files matched by the given globs. The remote files have a file.ftp property containing remote information. Possible options:

Glob-related options are documented at minimatch.

conn.dest( remoteFolder[, options] ) STREAM

Returns a transform stream that transfers input files to a remote folder. All directories are created automatically. Passes input files through.

conn.mode( remoteFolder, mode[, options] ) STREAM

Returns a transform stream that sets remote file permissions for each file. mode must be a string between '0000' and '0777'.

conn.newer( remoteFolder[, options] ) STREAM

Returns a transform stream which filters the input for files which are newer than their remote counterpart.

conn.differentSize( remoteFolder[, options] ) STREAM

Returns a transform stream which filters the input for files which have a different file size than their remote counterpart.

conn.newerOrDifferentSize( remoteFolder[, options] ) STREAM

See above.

conn.filter( remoteFolder, filter[, options] ) STREAM

Returns a transform stream that filters the input using a callback. The callback should be of this form:

function ( localFile, remoteFile, callback ) {

    // localFile and remoteFile are vinyl files.
    // Check remoteFile.ftp for remote information.
    // Decide wether localFile should be emitted and call callback with boolean.
    // callback is a function( error, emit )

    callback( null, emit );


conn.delete( path, cb ) CALLBACK

Deletes a file.

conn.rmdir( path, cb ) CALLBACK

Removes a directory, recursively.

conn.clean( globs, local[, options] ) STREAM

Globs remote files, tests if they are locally available at <local>/<remote.relative> and removes them if not.
