So I guess my real question is should I expect a FTP or an FS error error when uploading a file. My goal is to just make sure all uploads go through without issue and if an error occurs I will be pushing them to a async.queue which will try to re-upload the file.
The vinyl-ftp API is mostly streams, so you'd attach .on( 'error', function ( err ) { ... } ) to them. Only exceptions are rmdir and delete which are callback-based.
Im wondering what the best way to handle errors when uploading a file is. Below is my example of how I'm thinking this may work.
fs.src( [ file_path ], { buffer: false } )
So I guess my real question is should I expect a FTP or an FS error error when uploading a file. My goal is to just make sure all uploads go through without issue and if an error occurs I will be pushing them to a async.queue which will try to re-upload the file.