mortbopet / NetCracker

NetCracker is an FPGA architecture analysis tool for facilitating the investigation of connectivity patterns within as well as in between switchboxes
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NetCracker is an FPGA architecture analysis tool for facilitating the investigation of connectivity patterns within as well as in between switchboxes. NetCracker has been used to generate the information which served as the basis for the conclusions drawn in [insert reference to NetCracker paper]. We therefore recommend familiarizing oneself with this work before exploring NetCracker.

NetCracker relies on switchboxes being described in a .json-based file format. The format describes a directed graph with interconnect points as vertices and their forward and backward connections as edges, alongside information about the location of interconnect points in the device. This format is vendor-independent and thus any interconnect structure adhering to the format may be analysed through NetCracker.

NetCracker organizes its analysis as a set of passes which execute on one or more switchboxes. Each pass may produce a set of artifacts (plots, statistics, etc.) to facilitate further qualitative analysis by the user, or to enable the execution of other passes. Having each pass being able to produce and consume the results of other passes allows passes to be organized in a dependency graph. Given an analysis request, specified by the user through a command-line interface, NetCracker schedules the required set of passes to fulfill the requested analysis. The intent of the architecture is to facilitate quick implementations of new analysis passes as well as allowing each pass to be as atomic as possible.


NetCracker should be executed with python3 and depends on the packages specified in requirements.txt.

> pip3 install -r requirements.txt

to ensure that all requirements are met.


To execute NetCracker, simply call python3 [args...]. Given the number of different passes provided with NetCracker, refer to python3 -h for an overview over the provided passes.

To enable vendor-specific analysis passes, the vendor name must be added to the command line. As of now, only x7s is a valid vendor to provide. If no vendor, provide the string none instead.

All logs as well as pass artifacts for a given execution of NetCracker will be placed in the output/${time of execution} folder.

Example Switchbox

PIP junction names Internal connections (long) Internal connections (short)

In examples/sb_example.json we provide an example NetCracker file which describes a small, made-up switchbox architecture. This file is illustrated in the figures above.

Example 1: Adjacency analysis (internal)

To run an adjacency analysis investigating the feedback connections of a CLB, run:

> python3 -f examples/sb_example.json -x7sALLoc x7s

This will produce a file adjacency_analysis_x7sALLoc.txt in the output directory of the SB_X10Y10 switchbox. directory. This file contains a matrix detailing the connections between inputs and outputs of a CLB. This file may be further manipulated or plotted - we recommend using the online tool Morpheus which facilitates easy matrix exploration and clustering.

To view which PIP junctions are included under each clustering group of an adjacency analysis result, refer to the Group contents sections within the log.txt file contained in the output directory of a given analysis run.

Example 2: Switchbox diversity

If a NetCracker file is provided which contains multiple switchboxes spread out over a given area (specified by each switchbox' x and y coordinates), NetCracker may analyse the distribution of unique switchboxes across the device.

> python3 -f ${netcracker file} -x7sGNL -sbdiversity x7s
  1. -f ${netcracker file} specifies the netcracker file which we wish to analyse.
  2. -x7sGNL specifies the adjacency analysis to run. The switchbox comparison is dependent on the results of an adjacency analysis pass. Many different adjacency analyses are available (see vendor/Xilinx/S7/).
  3. -sbdiversity enables the switchbox comparison pass.
  4. x7s allows the execution of Xilinx 7-series specific passes.

Upon finished execution, a plot is shown of the device with switchboxes represented as pixels. Each unique pixel color represents a unique switchbox type, based on the switchbox' adjacency analysis result.

File format

NetCracker files are json key-value files which realize a directed graph with vertices being PIP junctions and edges (connections between PIP junctions) being PIPs.

The options field is an arbitrary field which allows for embedding additional information into a NetCracker file, allowing additional vendor-specific analysis.

A PIP Junction may have an empty forward_pjs list. A PIP Junction may not have an empty backward_pjs list - in other words, a PIP Junction must be driven.

Following is a (simplified) grammar for the NetCracker file format. Whitespace, newline, etc., have been left out for brevity.

<NetCracker file> ::= "{" <switchboxes> "}"
<switchboxes>     ::= <switchbox> | {"," <switchbox>}
<switchbox>       ::= <switchbox name> ": {" <switchbox_internals> "}"
<switchbox_internals> ::=
   ""x" :" <integer> ","
   ""y" :" <integer> ","
   ""pip_junctions" : "[" <pip_junctions> "]" | "," <options>

<pip_junctions> ::= <pip_junction> {"," <pip_junction>}

<pip_junction> ::=
      ""forward_pjs": ["  <pip_junction_references> "],"
      ""backward_pjs": [" <pip_junction_references> "]"

<pip_junction_references>  ::= <pip_junction_reference> {"," <pip_junction_reference>}
<pip_junction_reference>   ::=
      ""name" :"  <switchbox name> ","
      ""x" :"     <integer> ","
      ""y" :"     <integer>

<switchbox name> ::= <string>
<options>        ::= (any JSON key-value structure contained within {} brackets)

As an example file, please refer to examples/sb_example.json.

Adding a new analysis pass

As a reference analysis pass, see see src/analysis/

Step 1: Define the pass interface

Referencing the FanIOAnalysis class, we have the following:

class FanIOAnalysis(AnalysisPass):
    def __init__(self):
            description = "Determine Fan-in/Fan-out for the PIP junctions of a switchbox",
            key = "fanio",
            depends = [INOUT_ANALYSIS_RES],
            produces = []

FanIOAnalysis inherits AnalysisPass which is the base class for all analysis passes. Constructor arguments are as follows:

Step 2: Define the pass execution function

Next, a pass must define a run function. The function will be executed whenever all dependencies of the pass have been resolved. Depending on whether executesOnAllSBs was set during construction, the pass will be called with either a single or multiple switchboxes as an argument.

Within the pass, one may retrieve results from other depending passes as follows:

inout_res = sb.getAnalysisResult(INOUT_ANALYSIS_RES)

And from there use the depending pass results alongside values generally available in the Switchbox class, to perform the desired analysis.

The given pass produces no values. However, if this was the case, the pass could be extended as follows, to register a produced value:

FAN_IO_RES = "Fan IO analysis result"

# in constructor

# in run(self, sb)
sb.results[FAN_IO_RES] = ...

Step 3: Register the pass

Finally, the pass must be registered within NetCracker. If the pass is not vendor-specific, navigate to the bottom of and construct the pass, similarly to the remainder of passes present in the file:

from analysis.fanIOAnalysis import *
FanIOAnalysis() # Registers pass through construction

If the pass is vendor specific, navigate to the given vendor, and register the pass in the vendor objects constructor (see Xilinx7SeriesVendor::__init__ in src/vendor/Xilinx/S7/