mortenbra / alexandria-plsql-utils

Oracle PL/SQL Utility Library
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Oracle PL/SQL Utility Library

This library is a collection of various utility packages for PL/SQL, as well as links to useful libraries hosted and maintained elsewhere.

Generate PDF files using PL/SQL

Generate Excel files using PL/SQL

Generate RTF files using PL/SQL

Working with Office 2007 (OOXML) files using PL/SQL

Zip and unzip files using PL/SQL

Generate and parse CSV files using PL/SQL

Generate and parse RSS feeds using PL/SQL

Generate JSON using PL/SQL

Parse JSON using PL/SQL

Transfer files (FTP) using PL/SQL

Send email (SMTP) using PL/SQL

Receive email (POP3) using PL/SQL

Receive email (POP3 and IMAP) using PL/SQL (and Java)

Work with MS Exchange using PL/SQL

Integrate with Google services (Google Maps, Google Calendar, Google Translate) using PL/SQL

Integrate with Amazon web services (Simple Storage Service S3) using PL/SQL

Integrate with PayPal web services

Integrate with Twitter using PL/SQL

Call SOAP and REST web services using PL/SQL

Publish SOAP web service using PL/SQL

Publish REST web services using PL/SQL

Regular expressions using PL/SQL

String, date and math utilities

Encoding and data type utilities

SQL utilities

XML utilities

File utilities

HTTP utilities

Encryption and security utilities and protocols

Logging and debugging utilities

Generating test data and random bits using PL/SQL

PL/SQL Web Toolkit (OWA) utilities

Web Gateways for PL/SQL

jQGrid Integration Kit for PL/SQL and Apex

Application Express APIs

Miscellaneous utilities and demos

PL/SQL Frameworks

PL/SQL Wrappers for Java

Unit Testing Frameworks for PL/SQL

Documentation Generators (JavaDoc-style)

Scripting, deployment and installation utilities