mosbth / irc2phpbb

IRC bot, now lives on Discord bur remains its power to visit IRC whenever it wants.
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Marvin, an IRC bot

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Get a quick start by checking out the main script and read on how to contribute.


Before you actually start contributing, create an issue and discuss what you want to do. This is just to avoid that your PR will be denied for some random reason.

Create your own virtual environment, install the local development environment and run the script.

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ alias activate='. .venv/bin/activate'
$ activate
$ make install-tools
$ make test
$ python3
$ deactivate

Check for more details (should be moved to pydoc or other proper documentation like here in this README...).

Verify unitttest and code coverage

Run the unittests.

make unittest

Run code coverage and create reports.

make coverage

A html report of the code coverage is generated into build/coverage/index.html.

Execute marvin in docker

Start the irc-server ngircd using docker (in its own terminal window).

docker compose up ngircd

Now start the irc-client irssi through docker (or from your desktop) in another terminal.

docker compose run irssi

Use the following commands in your irc-client to connect and join the channel where marvin will be.

/connect ngircd
/join #marvin

If you are using a client outside of docker, then connect to localhost instead of ngircd.

Then build and start marvin through docker (in a third terminal).

docker compose up marvin

Marvin will join your channel and then you can start playing.

API documentation

The code and API documentation is generated using pdoc and make.

make pdoc

The docs are saved at docs/pdoc and can be viewed online.


The python script,, is a implementation of an irc bot. The bot can answer simple questions and some more advanced features such as presenting the weather by scraping an external website and keeping track of forum posts and posting new posts to the channel. The bot is reading incoming entries from a directory and external scripts may put information there that should be displayed in the irc-channel.

The PHP-script aggregate.php is used to log in to the forum to get credentials to view the latest posts through rss. A SQLite database is used to keep track on which posts have been displayed in the irc-channel.

The basic code is from: and From there its further developed and customized to fit the target forum and target irc-channel.

The rfc for the irc protocol is quite helpful:

/Mikael Roos (

Customized for

The bot is created for use in irc:// which is an irc channel for teaching & learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL and Unix. The forum is

This means that the code contains some settings to work in that environment and can therefore not just be cloned and installed. Modifications are needed. The script may anyhow be useful as a study object for those in need of similar functionality.

Using feedparser to get RSS-feeds

The bot uses the feedparser python lib to parse RSS feeds, for example when getting the latest post to the forum. You'll have to download and install the lib yourself.

Using BeautifulSoup to scrape web-pages

The bot uses the python lib BeautifulSoup to scrape information from webpages. Just to show it off how it's done but it can of course be made into some useful stuff. You'll have to download and install the lib yourself.

Using PHP to keep track on recent posts

The file aggregate.php uses magpierss ( to aggregate feeds from several places and while discovering new entries it stores messages in the directory incoming where Marvin (the bot) is looking, when finding a file its content will be posted to the irc-channel by the bot. You'll have to download and unpack the library in the 'magpierss' folder. You also need to create the folder 'incoming' and create the database file that will be used. The database file should be named db.sqlite and reside in the same folder as aggregate.php. The table needed in the database looks like this:


Run aggregate.php from crontab with regular intervals, for example each 5 minute.

*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /home/mos/git/irc2phpbb/aggregate.php

The id of the feed items are stored in a SQLite database to avoid duplicates being posted.

..: Copyright 2011-2017 by Mikael Roos (