mostjs-community / about

About the mostjs community, how to contribute, and code of conduct
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Most.js Community

This organization is a place for any Most.js project that welcomes collaboration. We welcome all types of projects that make use of Most.js

The official most.js repo and the most.js organization contains the code maintained directly by the most.js core team. This organization is for all the awesome stuff you are creating!

About our community

We are a welcoming, collaborative community. We believe that contributions should be encouraged and celebrated. We especially welcome those who feel like they might not be welcome, or able to help. Come one, come all.

We do not tolerate behaviour that makes other contributors feel harassed or unwelcome. Please see the code of conduct.

In short, we want your help to collaborate and create stuff for everyone, and we want to foster than in an inviting and respectful environment for everyone.

Getting involved

We welcome contributors of all levels of experience and from all different backgrounds.

We are liberal about membership. If you want to be a member, please open an issue on this repository and we will add you. :smile:

The most straightforward way to contribute to a repository is to open a pull request. We ask that repositories in our community follow Github flow as using pull requests allows for more review, discussion and learning to take place.

When one of your pull requests is merged, you will be added as a collaborator to the repository. This allows for easier collaboration (as collaborators can work together on pull requests).

Being a collaborator means:

Other Questions?

Feel free to flag us down in an issue, or join us in our gitter chat room