moszeed / kindle-periodical

create a periodical .mobi, with kindlegen
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javascript kindle kindlegen mobi nodejs npm perioidical


create a periodical format .mobi file


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How to install

npm install kindle-periodical

Kindlegen must NOT be in PATH, will be downloaded on install!

CLI usage

kindle-periodical -f nameOfBook /path/to/.json

-f --filename   name of created .mobi
-o --output     folder of created .mobi

will create a compiled folder with the generated book

API usage

var periodical = require('kindle-periodical');
var bookData = {
    "title"         : 'ebook-title',
    "creator"       : 'creator',
    "publisher"     : 'publisher',
    "subject"       : 'subject',
    "language"      : 'language (en-Gb, de-De)',
    "cover"         : "path-to-cover",
    "description"   : 'description',
    "sections"      : [{
        "title" : 'title-of-section',
        "articles"  : [{
            "title"  : 'title-of-article',
            "author" : 'author-of-article',
            "content": 'content-of-article'
            "file"   : "path-to-local-file",
            "url"    : 'url-to-a-website'

periodical.create(bookData, {
    targetFolder: '.' // where should the mobi file go