motemen / git-vim

My vim files for Git
575 stars 73 forks source link

= git.vim

This project is no longer maintained. You may want to use {tpope/vim-fugitive}[].

== Introduction Git-vim provides:

== Commands [:GitAdd ] git-add or current file if not specified. [:GitCommit ] git-commit. [:GitStatus] Show git-status of current file or repository. [:GitLog] Show git-log of current file or repository. [:GitCheckout ] git-checkout. Completes git commits. [:GitDiff ] git-diff. Completes git commits. [:GitPull ] git-pull. [:GitPullRebase] git-pull --rebase. [:GitPush ] git-push. Defaults to +git push origin +. [:GitCatFile ] git-cat-file. [:GitBlame ] git-blame. [:Git ] Does any git command. [:GitVimDiffMerge] Experimental. Call this command on unmerged file to enter vimdiff mode. [:GitVimDiffMergeDone] Call this command after merging.

== Keymaps [gd] :GitDiff [gD] :GitDiff --cached [gs] :GitStatus [gl] :GitLog [ga] :GitAdd [gA] :GitAdd [gc] :GitCommit [gb] :GitBlame

=== In git-status buffer [] :GitAdd

== License The MIT License