mothership-ec / mothership

A basic installation of Mothership ready to download
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Mothership: E-commerce for Humans

Mothership is open source web retail software, combining e-commerce with Electronic Point Of Sale (EPOS) into a single, unified platform. It is based on over 10 years experience, yet it is entirely new, containing zero legacy code, making it a perfect platform for developers.

It incorporates the full range of applications you'd expect to run an online store, with some rather nice surprises too. Here's an incomplete list of the headline functionality Mothership currently supports:

Coming soon!

A comprehensive Functionality Reference list is available on the Mothership Wiki.

System requirements

To set up Mothership using the installer, you must have the following:



There are two ways to install Mothership:

To install, follow the instructions below. For more help, be sure to check out our wiki, or visit our forum.

The installer

To install Mothership using the installer:

  1. Download the installer
  2. Create an empty database
  3. Run php <path to>mothership.phar in the terminal
  4. Follow the instructions and answer the questions


  1. Run composer create-project mothership-ec/mothership * <path to installation>
  2. Add your database details to config/db.yml
  3. Run bin/cog migrate:run from the installation directory in the terminal
  4. Run bin/cog asset:dump and bin/cog asset:generate from the installation directory in the terminal
  5. Run chmod -R 777 tmp public logs data from the installation directory in the terminal
  6. Run bin/cog task:run user:create_admin in your terminal to create the first admin user

Working on and contributing to this repository

To set up an environment to develop on this repository

  1. Clone the repo and install the dependencies using Composer
  2. Create a config/local directory
  3. Move all config files into this directory. Be sure not to commit any of these config files.
  4. Follow instructions from 3. onwards from the manual install guide above
  5. Be sure to follow our contribution guidelines and code of conduct