mouliere-lab / ITSFASTR

A bioinformatic pipeline for ultra-fast analysis of cfDNA using Oxford Nanopore Technologies sequencing.
MIT License
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ITSFASTR - InTegrated Sequence and Fragmentome AnalysiS Time Reduction



During cell death the DNA of tumor cells is released in to the bloodstream, forming a pool of circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA). cfDNA can be isolated from blood and/or urine of cancer patients and analyzed with sequencing. Most conventional short-read sequencing methods are technically challenging, labor intensive and time consuming, requiring several days but more typically weeks to obtain interpretable data which are limited by a bias for short cfDNA fragments. The ITSFASTR toolkit provides the bioinformatic workflow for the analysis of copy number aberrations, fragmentation and fragment end sequences and nucleosome positioning from conventional Illumina and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) cfDNA data.

Repo Contents

System Requirements

Hardware Requirements

The ITSFASTR pipeline is designed to run on HPC clusters, as some steps can be resource-heavy with real-world data sets.

If ran on a standard computer, we recommend: RAM: 16+ GB CPU: 4+ cores, 3.3+ GHz/core

Software Requirements

The package is tested on an Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS operating system, but it should work on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as well.

Installation Guide

Package Dependencies

Prior to downloading ITSFASTR users should install Anaconda.

ITSFASTR uses Snakemake for reproducibility. Install Snakemake by running:

conda create -n snakemake -c bioconda snakemake

Activate your environment:

conda activate snakemake

Snakemake uses Mamba, a fast package manager. To install it type:

conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge

Snakemake requires strict channel priorities in Conda, which is also good for reproducibility. To set this, type:

conda config --set channel_priority strict

Every other dependency will be installed automatically during the first run of the pipeline. Software versions used by the pipeline can be found in the environment files in the envs folder.

In short the pipeline uses: BBduk or Cutadapt for adapter trimming of Illumina reads or Porechop for ONT reads. BWA MEM for mapping Illumina and Minimap2 for ONT reads. Samtools and Sambamba for quality filtering and marking duplicates. Qualimap for quality control summarized by MultiQC.

Downloading ITSFASTR

Download ITSFASTR by:

wget &&
unzip &&

or if you have Git installed:

git clone


The ITSFASTR pipeline accepts paired Illumina sequencing files with .fq.gz extension. If your files have a different extension use the script in workflow/scripts/0_raw_seq/ to change it.\ ONT sequencing files can be fed into the pipeline after demultiplexing. For an ONT run a folder containing the sequencing files is the input, for ex. each barcode folder. For further explanation see the structure of the provided dummy data.

Dummy Data Set

To run this demo please download these dummy files. The dummy files are a synthetic admixtures of real Illumina and ONT sequencing files from the plasma of cancer patients, downsampled to 100K reads.

Creating the Sample Sheet

The sample sheet is a space-delimited .csv file with two labels in its header: sample_name group

An example containing the dummy file names can be found in the config directory.

sample_name is the unique name of the sample (file). Paired input files have one unique sample name, which is the file name minus the _R1(2).fq.gz suffix.

group represents the single analysis group the given file belongs to. For the final steps of the FrEIA analysis a control group is needed. Mark this with a * following the group name.

Using the Config File

The config file is a .yaml format file containing the parameters used during the run.

1. Set the project name

This will be used as the name of the main folder containing results.

2. Set the run type

Based on the sequencing files either select Illumina or ONT.

3. Set the sample path

For an Illumina run add the path to the folder containing the .fq.gz files.\ For an ONT run add the path to the folder containing the output folder(s) of base calling or demultiplexing.

4. Set the path to the sample sheet

Add the path to the sample sheet file.

5. Set the path to the indexed reference genome

The pipeline maps the reads to a reference genome using either BWA MEM for Illumina runs or Minimap2 for ONT runs. To map the reads you first need to index the reference using BWA MEM (tutorial) for Illumina runs or Minimap2 (tutorial) for ONT runs. Indexing large genomes can take from minutes to hours butt needs to be done only once. Add the path to the indexed reference genome based on the run type.

6. Set the output path

Add the path to the output folder. A folder with the project name will be created here containing all the results.

7. Set the path to a temporary folder

The temporary folder (tmp) will be used to store temporary files. On HPC clusters this should be on a scratch drive with fast read/write capability.

8. Set the number of CPU cores the pipeline can use

The number of CPU cores should be less or equal to the available cores. On a normal computer this is usually 4 or 8. Be aware that with the increase of the core number the memory usage can also increase.

9. Download the mappability track

The mappability track used by Griffin LR is big, thus it is not provided. Download a mappability track and place it in /resources/Griffin_LR.

10. Set path to the reference genome

Set the path to the reference genome fasta file.

11. Create the sites of interest file

Griffin LR requires one or more sites of interest file. Each file can contain multiple sites of the same tipe. For an example please see the Running ITSFASTR on a local machine using Snakemake.

Running ITSFASTR on a HPC cluster using Snakemake and Slurm

This is the recommended way of running the pipeline, as some steps are resource-heavy. Rules of the pipeline are run separately. To run a rule, first change directories into the rule's folder for example cd workflow/rules/1_preprocessing/ and run snakemake with the -s argument followed by the rule name

For example trim the reads by running:

snakemake --printshellcmds \
          --keep-going \
          --use-conda \
          --cluster "sbatch \
                     --time=60 \
                     --nodes=1 \
                     --partition=thin \
                     --cpus-per-task=32 \
                     --mem=64000 \
                     --mail-type=FAIL,TIME_LIMIT \
                     --mail-user=your@email.address \
                     --output=path/to/slurm_out/slurm-%j.out" \
          --jobs 500 \
          --max-jobs-per-second 3 \
          --max-status-checks-per-second 5 \
          -s trimming.smk

Running ITSFASTR on a local machine using Snakemake

Running on a local machine is not recommended as some steps may exceed available resources. Rules of the pipeline are run separately. To run a rule, first change directories into the rule's folder and run snakemake with the -s argument followed by the rule name.

In the Demo we are running ITSFASTR on a local machine. Expected run time: ~ 1.5 h

First download the human reference genome (GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set) and the mappability track. Extract the reference genome, and move the mappability track to /resources/Griffin_LR.

For the nucleosome positioning analysis we use nucleosome covered quiescent genomic sites (Quies) and nuclosome free transcriptional start sites (TssA). Download files containg the genomic positions of these sites from here. Set the path to the files containing the sites of interest in the config file site_list.

1.1. Trimming

Change directory: cd workflow/rules/1_preprocessing/

Remove sequencing adapters by running:

snakemake --printshellcmds \
          --keep-going \
          --use-conda \
          --cores 8 \
          -s trimming.smk

1.2. Mapping (non-xenograft samples)

Align the reads to the previously set reference genome by running:

snakemake --printshellcmds \
          --keep-going \
          --use-conda \
          --cores 8 \
          -s mapping.smk

2. Run ichorCNA copy number analysis

Change directory: cd ../2_copy_number_analysis.
The ichorCNA tool requires the path to the ichorCNA script to be set in the config file. To set the path first run:

snakemake --printshellcmds \
          --keep-going \
          --use-conda \
          --cores 8 \
          -s ichorCNA.smk \

This will create the environment and provide you with a path to it, similar to .snakemake/conda/103fe64931ac3076f3305793328dd331_. Paste this path into the config file after the conda_dir: parameter.

Now run:

snakemake --printshellcmds \
          --keep-going \
          --use-conda \
          --cores 8 \
          -s ichorCNA.smk

3. Run the fragment size analysis

Change directory: cd ../3_fragmentation.

snakemake --printshellcmds \
          --keep-going \
          --use-conda \
          --cores 8 \
          -s fragmentation.smk

4.1. Run FrEIA fragment end sequence analysis

Change directory: cd ../4_FrEIA.

Extract the fragment ends by running:

snakemake --printshellcmds \
          --keep-going \
          --use-conda \
          --cores 8 \
          -s preprocessing.smk

4.2. Calculate fragment end proportions and diversity with FrEIA:

snakemake --printshellcmds \
          --keep-going \
          --use-conda \
          --cores 8 \
          -s FrEIA.smk

5.1. Compute GC content correction with Griffin LR:

Change directory: cd ../5_Griffin_LR.

snakemake --printshellcmds \
          --keep-going \
          --use-conda \
          --cores 8 \
          -s griffin_GC_and_mappability_correction.smk

5.2. Perform nucleosome profiling using Griffin LR:

snakemake --printshellcmds \
          --keep-going \
          --use-conda \
          --cores 8 \
          -s griffin_nucleosome_profiling.smk


Please download the expected results from here. The expected results archive contains the expected folder structure, quality check results, the copy number profile, the fragment length profile, the final files fragment end sequence proportions, diversity and the nucleosome profiles of the dummy data set.

Xenomapping (xenograft samples only)

If starting from xenograft samples reads from the host and the graft need to be separated after trimming. To do this, first create the index files for both the host and the graft genomes. \ Then add the paths to the config file after RefPath_Primary and RefPath_Secondary. \ Finally change directory: cd workflow/rules/6_xenomapping/ and run:

snakemake --printshellcmds \
          --keep-going \
          --use-conda \
          --cores 8 \
          -s xenomapping_LR.smk

The deconvoluted and mapped reads are stored in the same folder as the output of the normal mapping is.


For usage of the ITSFASTR pipeline please cite: van der Pol et al. Real-time analysis of the cancer genome and fragmentome from plasma and urine short and long cell-free DNA using Nanopore sequencing (2022)