mouse0270 / kasper

Karma Assessment and Player Evaluation Resource
MIT License
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Karma Assessment and Player Evaluation Resource

Table of Contents
  1. About the Module
  2. Supported Modules / Systems
  3. License
  4. Acknowledgments

About The Module


Introducing KASPER: The Ultimate Karma and Player Evaluation Resource

Welcome to KASPER, the groundbreaking solution designed to empower Game Masters with seamless player reputation tracking in relation to NPCs, Factions, Organizations, and more. With its unparalleled versatility and advanced features, KASPER revolutionizes the way you manage and monitor player dynamics.

Elevate your gaming experience with KASPER's highly configurable Tiered Ranking system, providing you with a powerful tool to effortlessly create and monitor various aspects of player interactions. Whether it's measuring a player's relationship with an NPC or tracking their prestigious rank within different Factions, KASPER is equipped to handle it all. From X to Y, there's no limit to what KASPER can track.

Here's why you should be using KASPER:

Unlock the true potential of player evaluation and enhance the depth of your storytelling with KASPER. Say goodbye to ambiguity and hello to precise tracking, empowering you to create unforgettable gaming experiences. Get started today and witness the transformative power of KASPER!

Note: This project is new, and I welcome your feedback to make KASPER even better. Let's shape the future of player evaluation together!

! Disclaimer: KASPER is not responsible for any supernatural encounters that may occur as a result of using this module. Use at your own risk.

How to use

KASPER allows you to create generic items to track using the provided UI, however you can currently Drag Actors or Journal Entries onto the KASPER UI to create a new item. If you drag a folder onto the UI, it will create a new Reputation tracker with each document in the folder. HOWEVER It will only work with documents directly in the folder, not subfolders.

You can customize the labels and values used in KASPER by right clicking on the option you want to customize and select configure. Otherwise you can use the default values. Right clicking will also allow you to delete Sections and Factions.


Please note as of June 13 2023, KASPER was designed in about 2 days. It a working project but has not be thouroughly tested. Please report any bugs you find.

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Supported Modules / Systems

None right now, But I'd like to be able to integrate into other modules like FQL so that when you status in a quest changes, you can automate the change in a players reputation with NPCs, Factions, Organizations or anything else

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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The Animated Ghost used is from the Noto Color Emoji font by Google License