moutend / go-midi

Package midi implements reading and writing standard MIDI file.
MIT License
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go-midi provides reading and writing standard MIDI file.


go get -u


Print All Text Events

The following program reads a file named music.mid and then prints all text data.

package main

import (

    midi ""

func main() {
    file, err := ioutil.ReadFile("music.mid")
    if err != nil {

    midiData, err := midi.Parse(file)
    if err != nil {

    for _, track := range midiData.Tracks {
        for _, event := range track.Events {
            switch event.(type) {
            case *midi.TextEvent:
                fmt.Printf("%s\n", event.(*midi.TextEvent).Text())

Normalize Velocity of Note-on Event

The following program reads a file named input.mid, set the velocity of all note-on events to 127 and creates a new file named output.mid.

package main

import (

    midi ""

func main() {
    file, err := ioutil.ReadFile("input.mid")
    if err != nil {

    midiData, err := midi.Parse(file)
    if err != nil {

    for _, track := range midiData.Tracks {
        for _, event := range track.Events {
            switch event.(type) {
            case *midi.NoteOnEvent:
    err = ioutil.WriteFile("output.mid", midiData.Serialize(), 0644)
    if err != nil {

Create C Major Chord

The following program creates a MIDI file which plays C major chord.

package main

import (

    midi ""

func main() {
    deltaTime1, _ := midi.NewDeltaTime(0)
    deltaTime2, _ := midi.NewDeltaTime(960)

    noteOnC4, _ := midi.NewNoteOnEvent(deltaTime1, 0, midi.C4, 127)
    noteOnE4, _ := midi.NewNoteOnEvent(deltaTime1, 0, midi.E4, 127)
    noteOnG4, _ := midi.NewNoteOnEvent(deltaTime1, 0, midi.G4, 127)

    noteOffC4, _ := midi.NewNoteOffEvent(deltaTime2, 0, midi.C4, 0)
    noteOffE4, _ := midi.NewNoteOffEvent(deltaTime1, 0, midi.E4, 0)
    noteOffG4, _ := midi.NewNoteOffEvent(deltaTime1, 0, midi.G4, 0)

    endOfTrack, _ := midi.NewEndOfTrackEvent(deltaTime2)

    track := &midi.Track{
        Events: make([]midi.Event, 0),

    track.Events = append(track.Events, noteOnC4)
    track.Events = append(track.Events, noteOnE4)
    track.Events = append(track.Events, noteOnG4)

    track.Events = append(track.Events, noteOffC4)
    track.Events = append(track.Events, noteOffE4)
    track.Events = append(track.Events, noteOffG4)

    track.Events = append(track.Events, endOfTrack)

    m := midi.MIDI{}
    m.Tracks = make([]*midi.Track, 1)
    m.Tracks[0] = track

    ioutil.WriteFile("oo.mid", m.Serialize(), 0644)

Numbering of nNotes

There are two conventions for notes in MIDI. The most common is where C3 is 0x3c and the another is where C4 is 0x3c. In this package, where C3 is 0x3c.

MIDI Files for Testing

The MIDI files located at testdata were composed by Nao. Check her great works:

About MIDI


  1. Fork (
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Add changes
  4. Run go fmt
  5. Commit your changes
  6. Open a new Pull Request




Yoshiyuki Koyanagi