Plan your trip with Move Around. Move Around will help you plan the perfect itinerary, give recommendations of where to go, and keep track of where you're going and been, all in one place.
- Discover hundreds of places along your travel route
- Get real-time alerts throughout your trip
- Helps you answer the question of "I have 4 days in San Francisco, what should I do?"
User Stories
- Sign up
- Initial Preferences
- User can enter destination and travel dates
- User can select categories of interest
- Recommendations/Picking
- User can swipe left/right on a recommended place
- Display of Places
- Show collection view of places
- Show listings view of places
- User can select and delete places
- Itinerary Timeline
- Lets you know if adding this activity is compatible with your timeline
- Show listings of places
- User can add notes and re-order places by date
- User can see more information by place
- User can distance/travel time between places
- User can save trip
- Map view of itinerary
- Sharing
- Notifications
- Location notifications
- Time notifications
- Trip reminders
- User Preferences
- Display list of liked places (grouped by destination)
- Recommendations settings
- Notifications opt-in/out
Video Walkthrough
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories: