moveit / moveit_ci

Continuous Integration for MoveIt
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MoveIt Continous Integration

Common Travis CI configuration for MoveIt project

Authors: Robert Haschke, Dave Coleman, Isaac I. Y. Saito

Build Status


Create a .travis.yml file in the base of you repo similar to:

# This config file for Travis CI utilizes package.
sudo: required
dist: trusty
  - docker
language: cpp
compiler: gcc
cache: ccache

      # -
  global: # default values that are common to all configurations (can be overriden below)
    - ROS_DISTRO=melodic   # ROS distro to test for
    - ROS_REPO=ros         # ROS binary repository [ros | ros-shadow-fixed]
    - TEST_BLACKLIST=      # list packages, for which to skip the unittests
    - WARNINGS_OK=false    # Don't accept warnings [true | false]
  matrix:  # define various jobs
    - TEST=clang-format    # check code formatting for compliance to .clang-format rules
    - TEST=clang-tidy-fix  # perform static code analysis and compliance check against .clang-tidy rules
    - TEST=catkin_lint     # perform catkin_lint checks
    # pull in packages from a local .rosinstall file
    - UPSTREAM_WORKSPACE=moveit.rosinstall
    # pull in packages from a remote .rosinstall file and run for a non-default ROS_DISTRO
    - UPSTREAM_WORKSPACE=$ROS_DISTRO-devel/moveit.rosinstall
      ROS_DISTRO=kinetic  ROS_REPO=ros-shadow-fixed

  include: # Add a separate config to the matrix, using clang as compiler
    - env: TEST=clang-tidy-check  # run static code analysis, but don't check for available auto-fixes
      compiler: clang

  # Clone the moveit_ci repository into Travis' workspace
  - git clone --depth 1 -q .moveit_ci

  # Run the test script
  - .moveit_ci/


More configurations as seen in industrial_ci can be added in the future.

Removed Configuration


clang-format allows to validate that the source code is properly formatted according to a specification provided in .clang-format files in the folder hierarchy. Use TEST=clang-format to enable this test.


clang-tidy allows for static code analysis and validation of naming rules. Use TEST=clang-tidy-check to enable clang-tidy analysis, but only issuing warnings. Use TEST=clang-tidy-fix to reject code that doesn't comply to the rules.

Catkin Lint

catkin_lint checks for comment issues in your package.xml and CMakeLists files.


The script automatically checks for warnings issued during the build process and provides a summary in the end. If don't want to accept warnings, and make Travis fail your build in this case, please specify WARNINGS_OK=false.

Running Locally For Testing

It's also possible to run the moveit_ci script locally, without Travis. We demonstrate this using MoveIt as the example repository:

First clone the repo you want to test:

cd /tmp/travis   # any working directory will do
git clone
cd moveit

Next clone the CI script:

git clone .moveit_ci

Manually define the variables, Travis would otherwise define for you. These are required:

export TRAVIS_BRANCH=melodic-devel   # The base branch to compare changes with (e.g. for clang-tidy)
export ROS_DISTRO=melodic
export ROS_REPO=ros-shadow-fixed

export CC=gcc            # The compiler you have chosen in your .travis.yaml
export CXX=g++

The rest is optional:

# Export all other environment variables you usually set in your .travis.yaml
export UPSTREAM_WORKSPACE=moveit.rosinstall
export TEST=clang-format

Start the script


It's also possible to run the script without using docker. To this end, issue the following additional commands:

export IN_DOCKER=1               # pretend running docker
export CI_SOURCE_PATH=$PWD       # repository location in, i.e. /tmp/travis/moveit
export ROS_WS=/tmp/ros_ws        # define a new ROS workspace location
mkdir $ROS_WS                    # and create it

The script will need to run apt-get as root. To allow this, create a proxy script for apt-get in your PATH:

  1. Create the file ~/.local/bin/apt-get
  2. Insert the following text
    echo "running apt-get proxy"
    sudo /usr/bin/apt-get "$@"
  3. Make it executable chmod +x ~/.local/bin/apt-get

Run in Gitlab CI in docker runner

When running in a Gitlab CI with the docker runner we instruct Gitlab CI which docker image we want and set the required enviroment variables. Here is an example gitlab-ci.yml file. A couple details to notice are the sed command that replaces ssh git remotes with one that uses the gitlab-ci-token over https and that you will need to define the enviroment variables for the compiler and how it uses IN_DOCKER to let the script know it is already in the docker image:

image: moveit/moveit:master-ci
  - git clone --quiet --depth 1 .moveit_ci
  - sed -i -r "s/ssh:\/\/git@gitlab\.company\.com:9000/https:\/\/gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}@gitlab\.company\.com/g" ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/repo_name.rosinstall
  - export CXX=c++
  - export CC=cc
  - export ROS_DISTRO=melodic
  - export UPSTREAM_WORKSPACE=repo_name.rosinstall
  - export IN_DOCKER=1
  - export CI_SOURCE_PATH=$PWD
  - export ROS_WS=${HOME}/ros_ws
  - mkdir $ROS_WS
    - docker-runner
    - .moveit_ci/