movestore / rds2csv

transforms rds-output (from any APP) into a csv file (with only non-NA columns) that is downloadable as artefact. The App returns the input data rds.
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Clarify settings #9

Open sarahcd opened 5 months ago

sarahcd commented 5 months ago

What is the "timezone of the data"? Is this intended to mean the timezone of the local computer?

As I understand, all Apps/developers can assume that the timestamp is in UTC (e.g., using timestamp from Movebank, upload file from cloud, upload from local system).

sarahcd commented 5 months ago

Same question applies to the coordinate system. The location lat/long should always be in ESPG4326, right?

annescharf commented 5 months ago

Hi @sarahcd we try to make apps as flexible as possible always keeping in mind that data can be read into moveapps not only coming from movebank, but from anywhere, even simulated data. Therefore:

Does this clarify your questions?

annescharf commented 5 months ago

Ah, yes, the timestamps currently can probably only be in UTC, but as we do not have control over what other app are going to do tomorrow, we are prepared for the case that apps can change the timezone of the data

sarahcd commented 5 months ago

Thanks Anne!

1) This is only affecting values of the specific attributes timestamp and coords x/y, right? Other coordinate or time attributes could be present in the data and I assume would be left as is.

2) Are the time zone and coordinate system for these attributes embedded in the move2 object (or movingPandas etc)? I assume this is required for the app to be able to convert back to UTC/EPSG:4326. I understand this information would be lost when converting to csv, thus the settings options are provided.

3) Considering questions 1 and 2, in the case that alternative time zones and coordinate systems are used in these attributes, is it true that if these attributes are presented in other file outputs from various apps, access to the original workflow or personal communication with the person who built it is needed to know the time zone and coordinate system? Can we assume that apps will deal with this variation on the fly, or could they lead to incorrect results or errors? (For example, will the Add Local and Solar Time App know and calculate accordingly if the timestamp values are not in UTC?)